PT. REA Kaltim Estates
Basic information
Sample name: PT. REA Kaltim Estates
Reference: D. Wahyudi and R. Stuebing. 2013. Camera trapping as a conservation tool in a mixed-use landscape in East Kalimantan. Journal of Indonesian Natural History 1(2):37-46 [ER 1774]
Country: Indonesia
State: East Kalimantan
Coordinate: 0° 29' 35" N, 116° 15' 29" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text as range
Geography comments: "in the upper region of the Belayan River, a tributary of the Mahakam River"
Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest
Altered habitat: secondary forest
Substrate: ground surface
MAT: 26.0
MAP: 4147.0
Habitat comments: "about 18% [of the area] was set aside for conservation... These CRs consist mostly of riparian forests, areas with unique habitats such as peat swamp or wetlands... All have undergone several cycles of licensed mechanical logging, illegal timber harvesting, and in some cases ENSO fires"
climate data are for Tabang and are from Besler (1987, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms)
climate data are for Tabang and are from Besler (1987, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms)
Life forms: carnivores,primates,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals
Site area: 5000
Sampling methods: no design,baited,automatic cameras
Sample size: 6339 captures or sightings
Years: 2008 - 2012
Nets or traps: 40
Net or trap nights: 8628
Camera type: digital
Cameras paired: no
Sampling comments: "The study took place within riparian and dryland areas... mostly within the approximately 5,000 hectares of its CRs" using "Trailwatcher© 2035 Digital Scouting System" camera traps; "A total of 40 trail cameras were rotated through the major habitats" with "a scent lure placed into the crevice of a stick ±3m in front of the camera. During the last few months of the study (424 camera days), 17 camera units were set up in trees within the CRs, 10-12m above the ground" (presumably meaning 17 of the 40)
Sample number: 1978
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2016-01-27 20:37:44
Modified: 2016-12-16 08:23:45
Abundance distribution
33 species
3 singletons
total count 6339
geometric series index: 38.8
Fisher's α: 4.559
geometric series k: 0.7965
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8703
Shannon's H: 2.3981
Good's u: 0.9995
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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