Lamto reserve (food crop plantations)
Basic information
Sample name: Lamto reserve (food crop plantations)

Reference: M. Kone, S. Konate, K. Yeo, P. K. Kouassi, and K. E. Linsenmair. 2010. Diversity and abundance of terrestrial ants along a gradient of land use intensification in a transitional forest-savannah zone of Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of Applied Biosciences 29:1809-1827 [ER 504]
Country: Ivory Coast

Coordinate: 6° 13' N, 5° 2' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: cropland

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: hunting,selective logging

MAT: 28.6

MAP: 1053.0

Habitat comments: general environment is "forest-savannah transitional zone"; sites are in "mixtures of different plants e.g. yam, taro, plantain banana, cassava, maize and eggplant. Farmers used machetes to remove ground vegetation and some small trees. Other trees were felled using a chainsaw"

Life forms: ants

Sites: 3

Sampling methods: line transect,sieves,Winkler apparatus,pitfall traps,hand capture

Sample size: 444 individuals

Years: 2005

Seasons: wet or monsoon

Nets or traps: 30

Sampling comments: 3 sites each with a 200 m transect including 15 soil samples spaced 12 m apart, with a combination of pitfall traps, extraction using a mini-Winkler apparatus, hand sampling of sieved soil samples, and general hand sampling
"The study was carried out... during the long rainy season (April to October 2005)"

Sample number: 2346

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-10-27 11:41:05

Modified: 2016-10-27 00:41:05

Abundance distribution
61 species
14 singletons
total count 444
geometric series index: 104.2
Fisher's α: 19.147
geometric series k: 0.9449
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9623
Shannon's H: 3.5771
Good's u: 0.9686
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.