Paso Otero 4 (water well)
Basic information
Sample name: Paso Otero 4 (water well)
Reference: G. MartÃnez and M. A. Gutiérrez. 2019. Early Holocene water well in the Pampas of Argentina: Human responses to water shortage events. Holocene 29(1):145-157 [ER 3411]
Country: Argentina
Coordinate: 38° 34' S, 58° 42' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Formation: Lujân
Time interval: Holocene
Max Ma: 0.00876
Min Ma: 0.006395
Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)
Geography comments: "in the Paso Otero archaeological locality... in the middle stream of the Quequén Grande River"
coordinated based on Prado et al. (1987)
there are five uncalibrated 14C dates on the water well ranging from 8760 +/- 160 to 6395 +/- 79 ybp
from the Rio Salado Member, which overlies the the Guerrero Member
coordinated based on Prado et al. (1987)
there are five uncalibrated 14C dates on the water well ranging from 8760 +/- 160 to 6395 +/- 79 ybp
from the Rio Salado Member, which overlies the the Guerrero Member
Lithology: siltstone
Taphonomic context: human accumulation,lake deposit
Archaeology: stone tools
Habitat comments: "fine diatomaceous sediments... formed as part of very calm depositional processes that occurred within interconnected ponds or marshy environments throughout the landscape... silty fractions prevail"
"The lithic assemblage consists of 464 items, 40 of which are tools, 1 is a core, 412 are lithic debris, and 11 are ecofacts... the site was initially occupied by humans in the early Holocene" and there were "residential and multi-purpose activity sites"
bone tools and charcoal are not discussed
"The lithic assemblage consists of 464 items, 40 of which are tools, 1 is a core, 412 are lithic debris, and 11 are ecofacts... the site was initially occupied by humans in the early Holocene" and there were "residential and multi-purpose activity sites"
bone tools and charcoal are not discussed
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,birds,snakes,frogs
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 204 specimens
Sampling comments: "recovered from an excavated area of 14 m2"
Sample number: 3796
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2021-06-10 19:07:11
Modified: 2021-06-10 09:07:11
Abundance distribution
15 species
4 singletons
total count 204
geometric series index: 25.1
Fisher's α: 3.732
geometric series k: 0.7551
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8196
Shannon's H: 1.9829
Good's u: 0.9805
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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