Luck O Hutch
Basic information
Sample name: Luck O Hutch
Sample aka: UCMP V88036; UWBM C1700; LOH
Reference: S. M. Smith, C. J. Sprain, W. A. Clemens, D. L. Lofgren, P. R. Renne, and G. P. Wilson. 2018. Early mammalian recovery after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction: A high-resolution view from McGuire Creek area, Montana, USA. Geological Society of America Bulletin 130(11/12):2000-2014 [ER 4122]
Country: United States
State: Montana
County: McCone
Coordinate: 47.73° N, -106.24° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Formation: Hell Creek
Time interval: Early Palaeocene
Zone: Puercan
Section: McGuire Creek
Unit number: 3
Unit order: below to above
Max Ma: 65.802
Min Ma: 65.724
Age basis: Ar-Ar
Geography comments: coordinate estimated from the map in Fig. 1
"~2.3 m above the MCZ coal at the base of a ~9 m-thick channel deposit called Jack’s Channel"
the MCZ coal is Ar-Ar dated in the study at 66.024 ± 0.014/0.044 Ma
"Jack’s Channel cut out the 2330 coal... the C29r/C29n reversal, dated at 65.724 ± 0.013/0.044 Ma, occurs right around the 2380 coal and significantly above the fossil locality"
the 2330 coal yielded "a weighted mean age of 65.802 ± 0.116/0.125"
"~2.3 m above the MCZ coal at the base of a ~9 m-thick channel deposit called Jack’s Channel"
the MCZ coal is Ar-Ar dated in the study at 66.024 ± 0.014/0.044 Ma
"Jack’s Channel cut out the 2330 coal... the C29r/C29n reversal, dated at 65.724 ± 0.013/0.044 Ma, occurs right around the 2380 coal and significantly above the fossil locality"
the 2330 coal yielded "a weighted mean age of 65.802 ± 0.116/0.125"
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: "a medium- to fine-grained gray sandstone... Large indurated blocks within the channel show bedding planes that are both horizontal and cross-bedded... An indurated Fe-stained layer that is laterally variable in thickness occurs at the base of the channel deposit. Vertebrate fossils occur in laterally discontinuous lenses within that layer... These lenses include numerous Fe concretions, carbonaceous plant material, and small pieces of coal"
the material is "isolated teeth and fragmentary jaws"
the material is "isolated teeth and fragmentary jaws"
Life forms: ungulates,other small mammals
Sampling methods: screenwash
Sample size: 55 specimens
Years: 2014 - 2016
Sampling comments: the McGuire Creek localities were all revisited by UWBM crews led by Smith and Wilson in 2014, 2015, and 2016 after having been collected by UCMP and Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology (RAM) crews led by Lofgren "in the 1980s and early 1990s"
fossils were obtained by "surface collection and underwater screenwashing"
fossils were obtained by "surface collection and underwater screenwashing"
Sample number: 4561
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Modifier no: John Alroy
Created: 2024-12-05 10:06:33
Modified: 2024-12-05 10:20:34
Abundance distribution
15 species
8 singletons
total count 55
geometric series index: 43.7
Fisher's α: 6.794
geometric series k: 0.8203
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8320
Shannon's H: 2.1505
Good's u: 0.8559
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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