Area de Pesquisas Ecológicas do Guamâ
Basic information
Sample name: Area de Pesquisas Ecológicas do Guamâ
Reference: E. K. V. Kalko and C. O. Handley Jr. 2001. Neotropical bats in the canopy: diversity, community structure, and implications for conservation. Plant Ecology 153:319-333 [ER 405]
Country: Brazil
State: Parâ
Coordinate: 1° 27' S, 48° 30' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Geography comments: southeast of Belém (basis of coordinate)
Habitat: tropical/subtropical wetland
Substrate: ground surface
WMT: 25.8
CMT: 24.0
MAP: 3374.0
Habitat comments: "One site was in terra firme (upland) forest, overlooking the second site in vârzea (a tidal white-water swamp) on the north shore of the Rio Guamâ. The third site, about a kilometer away... was in an igapó (a non-tidal black-water swamp)"
climate based on station 82191 (Belém)
minimum monthly precip 107 mm
climate based on station 82191 (Belém)
minimum monthly precip 107 mm
Life forms: bats
Sites: 3
Sampling methods: no design,mist nets
Sample size: 1853 individuals
Years: 1968, 1969
Days: 49
Net or trap nights: 1620
Sampling comments: terra firme, vârzea, and igapó sites were respectively sampled for three, 13, and 33 nights for a total of 49
1620 net nights and 1955.5 mistnet hours
1620 net nights and 1955.5 mistnet hours
Sample number: 748
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2014-04-04 20:59:27
Modified: 2014-04-24 11:25:48
Abundance distribution
49 species
8 singletons
total count 1853
geometric series index: 73.0
Fisher's α: 9.234
geometric series k: 0.8757
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8299
Shannon's H: 2.3625
Good's u: 0.9957
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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