Mass: 4.5 kg based on Potocnik et al. 2002 and Stuart 1981
Diet: carnivore based on Stuart 1981
Abundance: 0.03 to 7.03% (median 0.29%)
Latitudinal range: 31.8° to 55.7°Habitats: (28), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (3)
Found in 31 samples
Bulgaria: Osogovo Mountain (intensive study), Osogovo Mountain (opportunistic study)
Denmark: Smakkerup Huse
France: Les Auzières 2, Les Canalettes (Layer 3), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit II), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit III), Coudoulous I (Faunal Units IV and V), Romain-la-Roche, Payre (ensemble F), Payre (ensemble D), Lunel-Viel (level 9)
Israel: Revadim Quarry, Revadim Quarry Area B, Ein Gev I
Italy: Caverna degli Orsi (sondage A, Unit 11.1), Riparo Biarzo (SU 4 + 3B), Riparo Biarzo (SU 3A), La Sassa Cave, Grotta Cucgiliana
Poland: Raj Cave (layer 4), Borsuka Cave (Layer III), Borsuka Cave (Layer II)
Portugal: Gruta de Figueira Brava (Area C)
Spain: Imanolen Arrobia, Cueva del Angel, El Mirador Cave, Cueva de Nerja (Last Glacial Maximum), Cueva de Nerja (Tardiglacial), Cueva de Nerja (Early Holocene)
Turkey: Yaylacik Research Forest
♀ body mass | 3500 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♀ body mass | 4500 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♀ body mass | 3700 kg | N = 10 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ body mass | 6500 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 6000 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 5100 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 4600 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 5700 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 3100 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 5000 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 6000 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 4900 kg | N = 10 | Stuart 1981 |
♀ ear length | 64 mm | N = 15 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ ear length | 62 mm | N = 20 | Stuart 1981 |
♀ head and body length | 550 mm | N = 15 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ head and body length | 601 mm | N = 21 | Stuart 1981 |
♀ hind foot length | 133 mm | N = 14 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ hind foot length | 138 mm | N = 21 | Stuart 1981 |
♀ skull length | 96 mm | N = 7 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ skull length | 102 mm | N = 18 | Stuart 1981 |
♀ tail length | 295 mm | N = 16 | Stuart 1981 |
♂ tail length | 305 mm | N = 21 | Stuart 1981 |
See also Felis, Felis catus, Felis chaus, Felis lunensis, Felis lybica, Felis margarita, Felis nigripes, Felis sp., Felis spp., Felis teilhardi