Presbytis rubicunda (primate)

Mass: 6.1 kg based on Schultz 1940, Washburn 1942, and Wright and Willis 2012

Diet: frugivore-folivore based on Supriatna et al. 1986 and Hanya and Bernard 2016

Abundance: 0.03 to 0.53% (median 0.28%)

Latitudinal range: 0.5° to 5.4°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (4) only

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Found in 4 samples

Indonesia: PT. REA Kaltim Estates

Malaysia: Deramakot Forest Reserve, Imbak Canyon Conservation Area, Segaliud Lokan Forest Reserve

Size measurements:
♀ body mass5600 kgN = 6Schultz 1940
♀ body mass6000 kgN = 17Washburn 1942
♀ body mass5900 kgN = 1Wright and Willis 2012
♂ body mass6270 kgN = 5Schultz 1940
♂ body mass6200 kgN = 19Washburn 1942
♂ body mass6292.69 kgN = 1Wright and Willis 2012
♀ skull length73 mmN = 17Washburn 1942
♂ skull length74 mmN = 19Washburn 1942
♀ skull width61 mmN = 17Washburn 1942
♂ skull width62 mmN = 19Washburn 1942

See also Presbytis, Presbytis hosei, Presbytis siamensis, Presbytis sp.