Fazenda Encanto (human feces baited)
Basic information
Sample name: Fazenda Encanto (human feces baited)
Sample aka: Brejo Novo
Reference: F. A. Barbosa Silva, M. I. Medina Hernândez, S. Ide, and R. de Câssia de Moura. 2007. Comunidade de escarabeÃneos (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) copro-necrófagos da regiäo de Brejo Novo, Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 51(2):228-233 [ER 306]
Country: Brazil
State: Pernambuco
Coordinate: 8° 42' S, 35° 15' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna
Substrate: ground surface
MAT: 24.0
MAP: 609.0
Habitat comments: "floresta subperenifólia aparentemente bem conservada... caatinga"
Life forms: scarab beetles
Sampling methods: baited,pitfall traps
Sample size: 826 individuals
Years: 2003, 2004
Days: 20
Nets or traps: 12
Net or trap nights: 240
Sampling comments: 12 pitfall traps baited with "human excrements" with ten 48-hour sampling events spaced 30 days apart over 11 months
Sample number: 613
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2014-03-27 20:53:20
Modified: 2015-09-28 10:36:34
Abundance distribution
25 species
2 singletons
total count 826
geometric series index: 32.0
Fisher's α: 4.863
geometric series k: 0.8040
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8579
Shannon's H: 2.3077
Good's u: 0.9976
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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