Lynx (carnivore)

Abundance: 0.01 to 23.68% (median 0.32%)

Latitudinal range: 17.8° to 63.8°

Habitats: (82), Mediterranean woodland (3), boreal forest/taiga (5), desert/xeric shrubland (7), montane grassland (2), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (16), temperate coniferous forest (3), temperate savanna (1), tropical/subtropical coniferous forest (2), tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (3)

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Found in 124 samples

Armenia: Hovk-1 Cave (Unit 4) (Late Pleistocene)

Bulgaria: Osogovo Mountain (intensive study), Osogovo Mountain (opportunistic study), Redaka II (Late Pleistocene)

Canada: Canadian National Railway (spring), Charlie Lake Cave (Zone IV) (Holocene), Keffer (Midden 57, screened) (Holocene), Winefred Lake, EMEND site (retention level 100%, replicate 1), EMEND site (retention level 100%, replicate 2), EMEND site (retention level 100%, replicate 3), Algar

China: Altun Mountains, Mount Kalamaili Ungulate Nature Reserve, Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve

Croatia: Northern Velebit National Park

France: Les Auzières 2 (Late Pleistocene), Les Canalettes (Layer 3) (Late Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit III) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Units IV and V) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VI) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VII) (Middle Pleistocene), Caune de l'Arago (Unit D) (Middle Pleistocene), Saint-Vallier (LD3) (Late Pliocene), Vergisson II (Late Pleistocene), Lazaret (C II supérieur UA 13-17) (Middle Pleistocene), Payre (ensemble F) (Middle Pleistocene), Lunel-Viel (level 9) (Middle Pleistocene)

Georgia: Kvabebi (Late Pliocene)

Germany: Untermassfeld (Early Pleistocene)

Greece: Lakonis Cave I (lower bone breccia) (Late Pleistocene)

Iraq: Palegawra Cave (Late Pleistocene)

Israel: Ubeidiya (Layer II-23) (Early Pleistocene)

Italy: Western Trento Province (2012), Caverna degli Orsi (sondage A, Unit 11.2) (Late Pleistocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 5) (Late Pleistocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 4 + 3B) (Holocene), Casal Selce 2 (Middle Pleistocene), Pirro Nord 13 (Early Pleistocene), Grotta Cucgiliana (Late Pleistocene), Pantalla (Early Pleistocene), Poggio Rosso (Early Pleistocene)

Mexico: Huasabas-Sahuaripa Region, Ajos, Madera West, Pico de Orizaba National Park, San Juan Bautista Cuicatlân (lluvias), San Juan Bautista Cuicatlân (secas), El Zurdo (Holocene)

Poland: Borsuka Cave (Layer VI) (Late Pleistocene)

Portugal: Vale do Mouro (Stage 3) (Holocene)

Russia: Geographical Society Cave (Late Pleistocene), Khayrgas Cave - Layer 4 (1998-1999 pit) (Holocene)

Spain: El Rincon-1 (Late Pliocene), Abric Romaní (Level Ja) (Late Pleistocene), Abric Romaní (Level Jb) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva del Angel (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Last Glacial Maximum) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Tardiglacial) (Late Pleistocene), Cueva de Nerja (Early Holocene) (Holocene), Bolomor Cave (Level XII) (Middle Pleistocene), Bolomor Cave (Level IV) (Middle Pleistocene), Barranc de la Boella (La Mina 2) (Early Pleistocene), Barranco Léon (Early Pleistocene), La Puebla de Valverde (Early Pleistocene)

Turkey: Ciglikara Nature Reserve, Barhal Stream, Calta (Early Pliocene)

Ukraine: Grot Skeliastyi (III-3B) (Late Pleistocene), Grot Skeliastyi (III-3-x) (Late Pleistocene)

United States: Salt Pond Mountain, Haw River, Rocky River, Richlands, Capay, Boulder County, North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River, Raleigh-Durham, North of the Michigamme Reservoir, Kleberg County, Davis Mountain Preserve, The Wilds, Blue Grass Army Depot, Ardis (Late Pleistocene), Zesch Cave (Late Pleistocene), Crystal Ball Cave (Late Pleistocene), Silver Creek (Late Pleistocene), OMNH locality VI03 (Late Pleistocene), Laubach Cave (Late Pleistocene), Saber-tooth Cave (Late Pleistocene), Golf Course (Late Pleistocene), Rancho La Brea (Pit 91) (Late Pleistocene), Harrodsburg Crevice (Late Pleistocene), Bat Cave (Late Pleistocene), CA-SLO-585 (Locus 6A, Early-Middle Holocene) (Holocene), Bluegrass (macro) (Holocene), Scripps Poway Parkway (Feature F) (Holocene), Scripps Poway Parkway (Feature E) (Holocene), Angel Site (Subdivision W10D) (Holocene), Fort Center Mound A (Holocene), Croley-Evans (Holocene), Harris Creek (Holocene), Edwin Harness Mound (Holocene), Cole Gravel Pit (Holocene), Baker Village (Holocene), Scovill (Holocene), Robinson Cave (Late Pleistocene), Meyer Cave (Holocene), Polecat Creek (black earth) (Holocene), Mescal Cave (Pleistocene - Holocene), Schulze Cave (layer C1) (Late Pleistocene), Schulze Cave (layer C2) (Late Pleistocene), Eleventh Hour Site (Room 7, Layer 3) (Holocene), Flagg Swamp Rockshelter (Archaic) (Holocene), Molybdenum Ridge (triggered detections), Bull Neck Swamp Research Forest, Trail of Tears State Forest, Black Mountain Open Space Park, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (logs, feature), Nugget Canyon, West of US 287, Mojave Desert, Marmes Rockshelter (Harrison horizon) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Beck Ranch (Early Pliocene)

See also Lynx canadensis, Lynx issiodorensis, Lynx lynx, Lynx pardinus, Lynx rexroadensis, Lynx rufus, Lynx sp.