Martes martes (carnivore)

Mass: 1.5 kg based on Pereboom et al. 2008

Diet: carnivore-frugivore based on Helldin 2000

Abundance: 0.07 to 5.11% (median 0.12%)

Latitudinal range: 34.1° to 55.7°

Habitats: (5), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (2)

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Found in 7 samples

Denmark: Smakkerup Huse (Holocene)

France: Salève, Payre (ensemble F) (Middle Pleistocene)

Iran: Wezmeh Cave (Late Pleistocene)

Italy: Riparo Biarzo (SU 4 + 3B) (Holocene)

Poland: Borsuka Cave (Layer VI) (Late Pleistocene)

Turkey: Yaylacik Research Forest

Size measurements:
♀ body mass1200 kgN = 3Pereboom et al. 2008
♂ body mass1700 kgN = 5Pereboom et al. 2008

See also Martes, Martes americana, Martes burdigaliensis, Martes caurina, Martes flavigula, Martes foina, Martes gazini, Martes melampus, Martes munki, Martes sainjoni, Martes sp., Martes spp., Martes stirtoni, Martes vetus, Martes zibellina