Theobroma speciosum (tree)
Abundance: 0.07 to 7.69% (median 0.51%)
Latitudinal range: -13.7° to -1.2°Habitats: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (7) only
Biogeographic distribution: Neotropic, South America
Found in 7 samples
Bolivia: Beni, Santa Fe (SF)
Brazil: O Deserto (terra firme), Linha MC-2 (hectare V), Peixe-Boi
Peru: Tambopata River (without bamboo), Tambopata River (bamboo-dominated)
See also Theobroma, Theobroma cacao, Theobroma grandiflorum, Theobroma guianensis, Theobroma mariae, Theobroma microcarpum, Theobroma paraense, Theobroma sp., Theobroma subincanum, Theobroma sylvestris, Theobroma velutina