Pratt Quarry
Basic information
Sample name: Pratt Quarry
Reference: W. W. Korth. 1998. Rodents and lagomorphs (Mammalia) from the late Clarendonian (Miocene) Ash Hollow Formation, Brown County, Nebraska. Annals of Carnegie Museum 67(4):299-348 [ER 2344]
Country: United States
State: Nebraska
County: Brown
Coordinate: 42° 38' N, 100° 3' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Formation: Ash Hollow
Time interval: Middle Miocene
Ma: 11.75
Geography comments: "NE 1/4, SW 1/4, sect. 30, T. 31 N, R. 23 W" (Skinner and Johnson 1984)
"Merritt Dam member of the Ash Hollow Formation"
1998 AEO age estimate
"Merritt Dam member of the Ash Hollow Formation"
1998 AEO age estimate
Substrate: ground surface
Lithology: conglomerate
Habitat comments: "a stream channel deposit" with fossils coming from the base of the section (lithology unclear), "lenses of clay-ball conglomerates", and "a thin layer of diatomite at the top of the section"
Life forms: rodents,other small mammals
Sampling methods: screenwash
Sample size: 295 specimens
Years: 1989, 1994
Sampling comments: insectivorans are present but not listed
Sample number: 2508
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2017-02-13 13:04:05
Modified: 2017-02-16 06:20:47
Abundance distribution
25 species
8 singletons
total count 295
geometric series index: 43.1
Fisher's α: 6.521
geometric series k: 0.8444
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9056
Shannon's H: 2.6254
Good's u: 0.9729
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
• Find matching samples
†Mylagaulus monodon | 33 | |
Protospermophilus cf. quatalensis | 1 | |
Spermophilus (Otospermophilus) sp. | 19 | |
Ammospermophilus junturensis | 15 | |
Petauristodon sp. | 1 | |
questionably referred | ||
Sciuron sp. | 1 | |
cf | ||
†Dipoides tanneri | 58 | |
new | ||
†Eucastor planus | 21 | |
Hystricops venustus | 12 | |
Pseudotheridomys sp. | 1 | |
cf | ||
Mioheteromys cf. agrarius | 2 | |
Cupidinimus prattensis | 27 | |
new | ||
Lignimus sp. | 4 | |
†Phelosaccomys hibbardi | 17 | |
†Tregomys shotwelli | 1 | |
Copemys pisinnus = †Tregomys pisinnus | 3 | |
Copemys sp. | 1 | |
Copemys mariae = †Honeymys mariae | 8 | |
Antecalomys phthanus | 18 | |
new | ||
Megasminthus sp. | 2 | |
Hesperolagomys cf. galbreathi | 1 | |
Russellagus sp. | 4 | |
†Hypolagus cf. vetus | 1 | |
Alilepus sp. | 14 | |
†Pronotolagus whitei | 30 | |
new |