Quartz Basin (UOloc 2465)
Basic information
Sample name: Quartz Basin (UOloc 2465)
Reference: J. A. Shotwell. 1968. Miocene mammals of southeast Oregon. Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon 14:1-67 [ER 3992]
Country: United States
State: Oregon
County: Malheur
Coordinate: 43° 25' N, 117° 28' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map
Formation: Deer Butte
Time interval: Middle Miocene
Ma: 13.8
Age basis: AEO
Geography comments: coordinate based on the map in Fig. 8
"from the Holdout Member of the Deer Butte Formation... from a productive level less than a foot thick"
the fauna is clearly early Barstovian and therefore Langhian, within the Middle Miocene
"from the Holdout Member of the Deer Butte Formation... from a productive level less than a foot thick"
the fauna is clearly early Barstovian and therefore Langhian, within the Middle Miocene
Lithology: not described
Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals
Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash
Sample size: 472 specimens
Years: 1960, 1965
Sampling comments: "The productive level... was completely removed, sacked and hauled about 8 miles to the Page Ranch where it was alternately soaked in the stock pond and dried in the sun using screens of 14 x 18 mesh... A little less than three tons of productive level was so worked... An additional small sample was taken from the east end of the quarry in the fall of 1965 and submitted to the kerosene treatment... and 24 mesh screen"
Hutchinson (1968) reports that "about three tons of matrix" was washed "with standard screen, and about 400 pounds washed through fine screen" (= 2177 kg)
Hutchinson (1968) reports that "about three tons of matrix" was washed "with standard screen, and about 400 pounds washed through fine screen" (= 2177 kg)
Sample number: 4409
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Modifier no: John Alroy
Created: 2024-10-25 10:37:46
Modified: 2025-01-03 02:36:03
Abundance distribution
28 species
10 singletons
total count 472
geometric series index: 53.5
Fisher's α: 6.517
geometric series k: 0.8181
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7245
Shannon's H: 1.9153
Good's u: 0.9788
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
• Find matching samples
Carnivora indet. | 1 | |
"Didelphidae indet.": a small carnivore, see Korth 1994 | ||
Erinaceidae indet. | 7 | |
Mystipterus pacificus | 12 | |
type: see Hutchinson 1968 | ||
†Scalopoides ripafodiator | 226 | |
type: see Hutchinson 1968 | ||
Domninoides sp. | 1 | |
see Hutchinson 1968 | ||
Achlyoscapter longirostris | 9 | |
type: see Hutchinson 1968 | ||
†Alluvisorex arcadentes | 2 | |
type: see Hutchinson 1966 | ||
Ingentisorex tumididens | 82 | |
type: see Hutchinson 1966 | ||
Archaeolaginae indet. | 1 | |
"Hypolagus sp." | ||
†Spermophilus cf. tephrus | 3 | |
†Eucastor progressus | 10 | |
"Monosaulax progressus": type | ||
†Leptodontomys quartzi | 6 | |
"Adjidaumo quartzi": type, see Shotwell 1967b | ||
†Pseudotheridomys pagei | 17 | |
type: see Shotwell 1967b | ||
†Balantiomys oregonensis | 4 | |
"Peridiomys oregonensis": see Shotwell 1967b | ||
†Prodipodomys mascallensis | 8 | |
see Shotwell 1967b: not this genus according to Korth 1999 | ||
†Copemys pagei | 49 | |
"Peromyscus pagei": type, see Shotwell 1967a | ||
Copemys barstowensis | 5 | |
"Peromyscus sp.": see Shotwell 1967a and Lindsay 1972 | ||
Macrognathomys sp. | 2 | |
Canidae indet. | 3 | |
Ursidae indet. | 1 | |
"? Hemicyon sp." | ||
Procyonidae indet. | 1 | |
"Bassariscus sp.": M1, which is identical in Probassariscus based on Hall 1927 and Baskin 1989 | ||
Mustela sp. | 1 | |
Mustelidae indet. | 1 | |
"Brachypsalis sp." | ||
Equinae indet. | 14 | |
"Merychippus sp.": 12 upper cheekteeth and at least two lowers | ||
Aphelops sp. | 1 | |
questionably assigned and not described in the text, assumed to be one specimen because rhinos are rare even in the Red Basin collection | ||
Tayassuinae indet. | 1 | |
"Prosthennops sp." | ||
†Dromomeryx borealis | 1 | |
one specimen is illustrated and none are described | ||
†Paracosoryx cf. nevadensis | 3 | |
"Merycodus cf. nevadensis" |