Mass: 16 kg based on Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 and Potocnik et al. 2002
Diet: carnivore based on Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 and Jedrzejewski et al. 2002
Abundance: 0.03 to 11.83% (median 0.22%)
Latitudinal range: 35.6° to 59.9°Habitats: (17), Mediterranean woodland (1), desert/xeric shrubland (3), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (3), temperate coniferous forest (2)
Found in 26 samples
Armenia: Hovk-1 Cave (Unit 4) (Late Pleistocene)
Bulgaria: Osogovo Mountain (intensive study), Osogovo Mountain (opportunistic study)
Canada: Charlie Lake Cave (Zone IV) (Holocene)
China: Altun Mountains, Mount Kalamaili Ungulate Nature Reserve, Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve
Croatia: Northern Velebit National Park
France: Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit III) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Units IV and V) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VI) (Middle Pleistocene), Coudoulous I (Faunal Unit VII) (Middle Pleistocene), Vergisson II (Late Pleistocene)
Iraq: Palegawra Cave (Late Pleistocene)
Italy: Western Trento Province (2012), Caverna degli Orsi (sondage A, Unit 11.2) (Late Pleistocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 5) (Late Pleistocene), Riparo Biarzo (SU 4 + 3B) (Holocene), Grotta Cucgiliana (Late Pleistocene)
Poland: Borsuka Cave (Layer VI) (Late Pleistocene)
Russia: Geographical Society Cave (Late Pleistocene), Khayrgas Cave - Layer 4 (1998-1999 pit) (Holocene)
Turkey: Ciglikara Nature Reserve, Barhal Stream
Ukraine: Grot Skeliastyi (III-3B) (Late Pleistocene), Grot Skeliastyi (III-3-x) (Late Pleistocene)
♀ body mass | 17000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 17000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 14000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 15000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 17500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 10000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 17500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 11500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 17000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 19000 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♀ body mass | 15000 kg | N = 1 | Potocnik et al. 2002 |
♂ body mass | 23500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♂ body mass | 24500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♂ body mass | 19500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
♂ body mass | 13500 kg | N = 1 | Breitenmoser and Haller 1993 |
head and body length | 1168 mm | N = 1 | Ward 1926 |
See also Lynx, Lynx canadensis, Lynx issiodorensis, Lynx pardinus, Lynx rexroadensis, Lynx rufus, Lynx sp.