Macropus titan (extinct large mammal)
Abundance: 0.06 to 79.21% (median 2.66%)
Latitudinal range: -42.6° to -27.9°Habitats: (10) only
Found in 10 samples
Australia: QML1396 (Horizon B) (Late Pleistocene), QML1396 (Horizon D) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A1) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A4) (Late Pleistocene), QML796 (Horizon A7) (Late Pleistocene), Cement Mills, Gore (Late Pleistocene), Lancefield Swamp (Classic Site - 2004-2005 excavations) (Late Pleistocene), Lancefield Swamp (Peel Trench, Mayne Site - 2004-2005 excavations) (Late Pleistocene), Titan's Shelter (Site F) (Late Pleistocene), Titan’s Shelter (Site G2) (Late Pleistocene)
See also Macropus, Macropus ferragus, Macropus fuliginosus, Macropus giganteus, Macropus pearsoni, Macropus sp.