Mass: 4.1 g based on Smith and Foster 1957, Moore 1949, Brannon 2000, Chappell 1980, and Lindsay 1960
Abundance: 0.01 to 42.80% (median 2.11%)
Latitudinal range: 30.3° to 68.6°Habitats: (12), boreal forest/taiga (4), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (9), temperate coniferous forest (2), temperate wetland (1), tundra (1)
Found in 29 samples
Canada: Delta Waterfowl Research Station, Gogama, Churchill (1952), Kinmount, Bald Range (old growth), Prince Edward Island National Park, Caverne de la Mine (upper infill) (Holocene), LaBiche River Valley
United States: Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Gingercake Creek, De Long Mountains (riparian grass-willow), North of Madison, Toolik Lake, Upper Susitna River Basin, Glenn Dale, Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge, MacIntyre Development (forest habitats), Grand Marais, Bat Cave (Late Pleistocene), King Leo Pit Cave (Late Pleistocene), Jones (Late Pleistocene), Prairie Creek (Zone D) (Late Pleistocene), Robinson Cave (Late Pleistocene), Bootlegger Sink (Pleistocene - Holocene), Prairie Creek (Zone C) (Pleistocene - Holocene), Schulze Cave (layer C1) (Late Pleistocene), Schulze Cave (layer C2) (Late Pleistocene), New Paris Sinkhole No. 4 (Late Pleistocene), Natural Chimneys (Late Pleistocene)
body mass | 3.6 g | N = 6 | Smith and Foster 1957 |
♀ body mass | 4.7 g | N = 7 | Moore 1949 |
♂ body mass | 3.9 g | N = 6 | Moore 1949 |
body mass | 4.32 g | N = 41 | Brannon 2000 |
body mass | 3.7 g | N = 1 | Chappell 1980 |
body mass | 3.4 g | N = 9 | Lindsay 1960 |
♀ condylobasal length | 16.1 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
♀ head and body length | 55.5 mm | N = 8 | Moore 1949 |
♂ head and body length | 56 mm | N = 6 | Moore 1949 |
hind foot length | 12 mm | N = 6 | Smith and Foster 1957 |
♀ hind foot length | 11.6 mm | N = 8 | Moore 1949 |
♀ hind foot length | 11 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
♂ hind foot length | 11.3 mm | N = 6 | Moore 1949 |
hind foot length | 12.5 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
hind foot length | 12 mm | N = 5 | Quay 1955 |
♀ skull width | 7.4 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
tail length | 38 mm | N = 6 | Smith and Foster 1957 |
♀ tail length | 38 mm | N = 8 | Moore 1949 |
♀ tail length | 38 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
♂ tail length | 37 mm | N = 6 | Moore 1949 |
tail length | 44 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
tail length | 38 mm | N = 5 | Quay 1955 |
total body length | 93 mm | N = 6 | Smith and Foster 1957 |
♀ total body length | 98 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
total body length | 99 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
total body length | 96 mm | N = 5 | Quay 1955 |
♀ upper tooth row length | 5.9 mm | N = 1 | Schlitter and Bowles 1967 |
See also Sorex, Sorex alpinoides, Sorex araneus, Sorex arcticus, Sorex bedfordiae, Sorex bendirii, Sorex caecutiens, Sorex coronatus, Sorex cylindricauda, Sorex dehmi, Sorex dehneli, Sorex dispar, Sorex emarginatus, Sorex ex. gr. araneus, Sorex fumeus, Sorex gr. araneus, Sorex gr. araneus/coronatus, Sorex gr. runtonensis-subaraneus, Sorex hoyi, Sorex isodon, Sorex longirostris, Sorex minutissimus, Sorex minutus, Sorex monticolus, Sorex ornatus, Sorex palustris, Sorex polonicus, Sorex praealpinus, Sorex praearaneus, Sorex roboratus, Sorex runtonensis, Sorex savini, Sorex sinalis, Sorex sp., Sorex spp., Sorex taylori, Sorex trowbridgii, Sorex tundrensis, Sorex unguiculatus, Sorex vagrans, Sorex veraepacis