Mass: 7.5 g based on Scheffer and Dalquest 1942
Abundance: 54.13 to 72.22%
Latitudinal range: 37.4° to 42.2°Habitats: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (2) only
United States: Sierra National Forest (pitfall traps), H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
body mass | 7.5 g | N = 30 | Scheffer and Dalquest 1942 |
condylobasal length | 17.55 mm | N = 29 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
hind foot length | 14.3 mm | N = 30 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
hind foot length | 14 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
skull width | 9.08 mm | N = 29 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
tail length | 56.7 mm | N = 30 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
tail length | 58.5 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
total body length | 122.5 mm | N = 30 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
total body length | 121 mm | N = 1 | Green 1928 |
upper tooth row length | 6.39 mm | N = 30 | Buchanan and Howell 1967 |
See also Sorex, Sorex alpinoides, Sorex araneus, Sorex arcticus, Sorex bedfordiae, Sorex bendirii, Sorex caecutiens, Sorex cinereus, Sorex coronatus, Sorex cylindricauda, Sorex dehmi, Sorex dehneli, Sorex dispar, Sorex emarginatus, Sorex ex. gr. araneus, Sorex fumeus, Sorex gr. araneus, Sorex gr. araneus/coronatus, Sorex gr. runtonensis-subaraneus, Sorex hoyi, Sorex isodon, Sorex longirostris, Sorex minutissimus, Sorex minutus, Sorex monticolus, Sorex ornatus, Sorex palustris, Sorex polonicus, Sorex praealpinus, Sorex praearaneus, Sorex roboratus, Sorex runtonensis, Sorex savini, Sorex sinalis, Sorex sp., Sorex spp., Sorex taylori, Sorex tundrensis, Sorex unguiculatus, Sorex vagrans, Sorex veraepacis