Población Anticura (Holoceno Temprano)
Basic information
Sample name: Población Anticura (Holoceno Temprano)
Reference: M. G. Fernández. 2018. El aprovechamiento de la fauna en el interior del bosque durante el holoceno temprano y medio. El caso del sitio población Anticura, Provincia de Río Negro, Argentina. La zaranda de ideas 16(1):9-28 [ER 3380]
Country: Argentina
State: Rio Negro
Coordinate: 41° 34' S, 71° 32' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark
Time interval: Holocene
Section: 3380
Unit number: 1
Unit order: below to above
Max Ma: 0.0082
Min Ma: 0.0072
Age basis: radiocarbon
Geography comments: an eave 500 m from the road to El Bolsón, 7 km west of la Dicen and shown on a map as about 2 km south of Villegas (basis of coordinate)
there is a single middle Holocene 14C date of 4700 ybp on coal and multiple early Holocene 14C dates on coal spanning 7200 to 8200 ybp
there is a single middle Holocene 14C date of 4700 ybp on coal and multiple early Holocene 14C dates on coal spanning 7200 to 8200 ybp
Lithology: not described
Taphonomic context: carnivore accumulation,human accumulation
Archaeology: bone tools,hearths,stone tools
Habitat comments: lithology is not discussed
the coal is apparently interpreted as anthropogenic
in the early Holocene layers, there are six carved lithic instruments, two cores, lithic debris, pigments, a pendant made of a valve of Diplodon chilensis, five bone artifacts
in the middle Holocene layers, there are four lithic instruments, lithic debris, red pigment, a pendant made of Nacella sp., and four bone artifacts
the main accumulating agent was carnivores, primarily foxes, but cut marks indicate some processing by humans
the coal is apparently interpreted as anthropogenic
in the early Holocene layers, there are six carved lithic instruments, two cores, lithic debris, pigments, a pendant made of a valve of Diplodon chilensis, five bone artifacts
in the middle Holocene layers, there are four lithic instruments, lithic debris, red pigment, a pendant made of Nacella sp., and four bone artifacts
the main accumulating agent was carnivores, primarily foxes, but cut marks indicate some processing by humans
Life forms: carnivores,ungulates,birds
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 109 specimens
Years: 2008 - 2013
Sampling comments: 9.5 m2 with 32 levels, each 10 cm and extending down to 380 cm, were excavated from 2008 to 2013
fossil material is from levels 15 to 24: 15 to 18 are middle Holocene (Holoceno Medio) and 19 to 24 are early Holocene (Holoceno Temprano)
thousands of rodent and other small mammal fossils are not identified
three and one indeterminate artiodactyl postcrania are respectively found in the early and middle Holocene layers
fossil material is from levels 15 to 24: 15 to 18 are middle Holocene (Holoceno Medio) and 19 to 24 are early Holocene (Holoceno Temprano)
thousands of rodent and other small mammal fossils are not identified
three and one indeterminate artiodactyl postcrania are respectively found in the early and middle Holocene layers
Sample number: 3753
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2021-06-03 21:30:42
Modified: 2023-04-29 03:32:43
Abundance distribution
5 species
1 singleton
total count 109
geometric series index: 6.7
Fisher's α: 1.082
geometric series k: 0.3905
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6795
Shannon's H: 1.2464
Good's u: 0.9908
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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