Lajedäo do PatrÃcio
Basic information
Sample name: Lajedäo do PatrÃcio
Reference: F. H. C. Faria and I. S. Carvalho. 2019. Análise tafonómica dos fósseis da megafauna Quaternária do Lajedão do Patrício, João Dourado (Bahia), Brasil. Revista Geociências 38(4):969-985 [ER 3390]
Country: Brazil
State: Bahia
Coordinate: 11° 17' S, 41° 36' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text
Time interval: Pleistocene - Holocene
Max Ma: 0.0168
Min Ma: 0.0091
Age basis: other
Geography comments: "at Fazenda Faveleira, in the village of Lajedäo do PatrÃcio, minicipallity of Joäo Dourado" (Faria et al. 2020)
said to be 11º 16' 52.4" S, 41º 35' 79" E, which is clearly erroneous at the minute level
there are four ESR dates on Notiomastodon and Toxodontinae ranging from 16.8 to 9.1 kyr
said to be 11º 16' 52.4" S, 41º 35' 79" E, which is clearly erroneous at the minute level
there are four ESR dates on Notiomastodon and Toxodontinae ranging from 16.8 to 9.1 kyr
Lithology: conglomerate
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: a parautochthonous fluvial deposit embedded in a Neoproterozoic limestone
the fossiliferous unit is a 40 cm thick conglomerate
the fossiliferous unit is a 40 cm thick conglomerate
Life forms: ungulates,other large mammals
Sampling methods: quarry
Sample size: 65 specimens
Sample number: 3769
Contributor: John Alroy
Enterer: John Alroy
Created: 2021-06-06 21:22:53
Modified: 2021-06-06 11:23:48
Abundance distribution
4 species
0 singletons
total count 65
geometric series index: 4.6
Fisher's α: 0.941
geometric series k: 0.4409
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6012
Shannon's H: 1.0927
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
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