Full citation
M. L. Kuns and R. E. Tashian. 1954. Notes on mammals from northern Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy 35(1):100-103 [ER 1464]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2015-11-14
Samples: none
Size measurements: Artibeus jamaicensis (body mass 60 g), Artibeus lituratus (body mass 70 g), Caluromys derbianus (total body length 705 mm), Caluromys derbianus (tail length 430 mm), Caluromys derbianus (hind foot length 46 mm), Caluromys derbianus (ear length 36 mm), Carollia perspicillata (body mass 16.5 g), Carollia perspicillata (body mass 16.5 g), Carollia perspicillata (body mass 17 g), Desmodus rotundus (body mass 18.0 g), Desmodus rotundus (body mass 19.5 g), Desmodus rotundus (body mass 21.0 g), Heteromys desmarestianus (body mass 60 g), Heteromys desmarestianus (body mass 70 g), Heteromys desmarestianus (total body length 300 mm), Heteromys desmarestianus (total body length 307 mm), Heteromys desmarestianus (tail length 154 mm), Heteromys desmarestianus (tail length 167 mm), Myotis nigricans (body mass 3.5 g), Myotis nigricans (body mass 4.5 g), Ototylomys phyllotis (body mass 120 g), Ototylomys phyllotis (body mass 117 g), Ototylomys phyllotis (total body length 319 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (total body length 338 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (tail length 170 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (tail length 182 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (hind foot length 27.8 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (hind foot length 29.2 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (ear length 24.0 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (ear length 25.1 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (condylobasal length 36.1 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (condylobasal length 36.1 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (skull width 19.4 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (skull width 19.5 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (upper tooth row length 6.9 mm), Ototylomys phyllotis (upper tooth row length 7.1 mm), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 33.5 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 36 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 43.5 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 37.5 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 40.5 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (body mass 51 g), Peromyscus mexicanus (total body length 223.8 mm), Peromyscus mexicanus (tail length 116.6 mm), Peromyscus mexicanus (hind foot length 25.3 mm), Peromyscus mexicanus (ear length 20.2 mm), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 6 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 6 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 6 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 6 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 7 g), Peropteryx macrotis (body mass 7.5 g), Saccopteryx bilineata (body mass 6.5 g), Saccopteryx bilineata (body mass 6.8 g), Sciurus aureogaster (body mass 343 g), Sciurus aureogaster (body mass 482 g), Sciurus aureogaster (body mass 516 g), Sciurus deppei (body mass 192 g), Sciurus deppei (body mass 246 g), Sciurus deppei (body mass 292 g), Sciurus deppei (body mass 301 g), Tylomys nudicaudus (body mass 125 g), Tylomys nudicaudus (total body length 346 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (tail length 176 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (hind foot length 38 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (ear length 25.7 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (condylobasal length 39.3 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (skull width 22.9 mm), Tylomys nudicaudus (upper tooth row length 9.3 mm)