Hagere Selam (low stone bund density)
Basic information
Sample name: Hagere Selam (low stone bund density)

Reference: Y. Meheretu, V. Sluydts, K. Welegerima, H. Bauer, M. Teferi, G. Yirga, L. Mulungu, M. Haile, J. Nyssen, J. Deckers, R. Makundi, and H. Leirs. 2014. Rodent abundance, stone bund density and its effects on crop damage in the Tigray highlands, Ethiopia. Crop Protection 55:61-67 [ER 893]
Country: Ethiopia

Coordinate: 13° 40' N, 39° 10' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna

Altered habitat: cropland

Substrate: ground surface

WMT: 19.0

CMT: 12.0

MAP: 762.0

Habitat comments: "four rainfed crop fields... The remaining native vegetation is largely dominated by Acacia etbaica (Schweinf.) and Euclea schimperi (A.DC.) Dandy"; the main crops were wheat, barley, and teff
CMT and WMT are based on Taye et al. (2013, Physical Geography)

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sites: 2

Site length: 120

Site width: 60

Sampling methods: quadrat,baited,Sherman traps

Sample size: 487 individuals

Years: 2007 - 2011

Nets or traps: 98

Net or trap nights: 13818

Sampling comments: two "permanent square grids (60 x 60 m)... situated more than 200 m apart... Each grid consisted of seven parallel lines, 10 m apart, with trapping stations also 10 m apart (i.e. a total of 49 trapping stations per grid). Trapping was conducted with Sherman LFA live traps... baited with peanut butter"; there were 27,636 trap nights total across two treatments, so half are assumed to apply to this one

Sample number: 1338

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-02-22 16:46:19

Modified: 2015-10-04 22:19:31

Abundance distribution
5 species
0 singletons
total count 487
extrapolated richness: 5.4
Fisher's α: 0.776
geometric series k: 0.3564
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.3852
Shannon's H: 0.7583
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.