Raffo Rosso, Monte Cuccio e Vallone Sagana (olive grove)
Basic information
Sample name: Raffo Rosso, Monte Cuccio e Vallone Sagana (olive grove)

Reference: V. Fileccia, S. Santorsola, S. Arpaia, and B. Manachini. 2015. Seasonal patterns in butterfly abundance and species diversity in five characteristic habitats in sites of community importance in Sicily (Italy). Bulletin of Insectology 68(1):91-102 [ER 1189]
Country: Italy

State: Palermo

Coordinate: 38° 5' 22" N, 13° 15' 6" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: coordinate is a few kilometers west of Palermo

Habitat: Mediterranean woodland

Altered habitat: plantation

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 15.9

MAP: 552.0

Habitat comments: "olive grove (OG) managed under organic farming regime (no direct fertilisation or pesticide used, low grazing by horses was allowed)"
climate data are for Pietranera and are from Laudicina et al. (2014, Applied Soil Ecology)

Life forms: butterflies

Sampling methods: line transect,butterfly nets,visual

Sample size: 100 captures or sightings

Years: 2010 - 2012

Days: 48

Sampling comments: "sampled every 2 weeks from June 2010 to March 2012... 4 linear transects of 50 meters length, were marked for diurnal Lepidoptera surveys; the total survey time for each habitat was about 30 minutes... in doubtful cases, specimens were net-captured for identification and released into the environment immediately after capture"

Sample number: 1723

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-07-31 20:17:21

Modified: 2016-12-13 05:57:01

Abundance distribution
19 species
6 singletons
total count 100
extrapolated richness: 39.3
Fisher's α: 6.951
geometric series k: 0.8263
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8465
Shannon's H: 2.3145
Good's u: 0.9410
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.