Ketumbeine Forest Reserve
Basic information
Sample name: Ketumbeine Forest Reserve

Reference: N. Sitati, N. Gichohi, P. Lenaiyasa, M. Maina, F. Warinwa, P. Muruthi, D. Sumba, and J. Mandima. 2016. Tree species diversity and dominance in Ketumbeine Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Journal of Biodiversity Management & Forestry 5(3):1-5 [ER 2207]
Country: Tanzania

Coordinate: 2° 50' S, 36° 15' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "covers about 12,991 ha of isolated peak of Ketumbeine Hill"

Habitat: tropical/subtropical savanna

Protection: forest reserve

Substrate: ground surface

Disturbance: agriculture

WMT: 30.0

CMT: 10.0

MAP: 625.0

Habitat comments: "the forest is threatened by human activities including farming and settlement... The vegetation at lower slopes (1,370–1,670 m) is dry woodland and at upper slopes (>1,700 m) is a dry montane forest" (stem density strongly suggests this is mostly dry woodland)
temperatures range "lower than 10°C in during the months of June and August and 30°C... The wet (October-December and March–June) and dry (January and February and July to October) seasons are quite distinct"
MAP 500 to 750 mm

Life forms: trees

Sites: 77

Site area: 5.467

Sampling methods: quadrat

Sample size: 433 individuals

Size min: 5

Basal area: 12.0354

Sampling comments: "Forest inventory surveys were undertaken in the nine randomly placed transects and 77 vegetation plots each measuring 0.071 ha located"
the authors made a catastrophic error in computing basal area, reported as 926.724 m2/ha; the stem total per ha figure is also off, reported as 6126.761 when the authors apparently mean 435/(77 x 0.071) = 79.56832; they certainly computed 435/0.071 = 6126.761 and so the correct basal area figure is presumably 926.724/77 = 12.03538, concordant with the low stem density
there are numerous typos in the species list, which has been corrected without comment

Sample number: 2242

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2016-08-28 20:36:52

Modified: 2016-08-28 11:13:27

Abundance distribution
26 species
3 singletons
total count 433
extrapolated richness: 37.4
Fisher's α: 6.074
geometric series k: 0.8161
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8204
Shannon's H: 2.2921
Good's u: 0.9931
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.