Basic information
Sample name: Kavakdere

Reference: E. Unay-Bayraktar. 1989. Rodents from the Middle Oligocene of Turkish Thrace. Utrecht Micropaleontological Bulletins, Special Publication 5:1-119 [ER 2386]
Country: Turkey

Coordinate: 38.18° N, 26.90° E
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Formation: Lignite-Sandstone

Time interval: Early Oligocene

Zone: MP25

Geography comments: "in the west bank of the Kavak valley just south of the small barrage" (coordinate based on Kavakdere Dam)
"about three metres above a kaolinitis­ed volcanic tuff... dated 33.0 ± 3 My" by fission track dating of apatite (date is wildly inconsistent with the mammal biochronology); "late Early Oligocene" and presumably MP25 based on the age of Kocayarma
the entire formation was "deposited during some one to two million years"

Substrate: ground surface

Lithology: claystone

Habitat comments: "40 em thick brownish sandy-clay bed, rich in gastropods"

Life forms: rodents

Sample size: 242 specimens

Sampling comments: "The mesh of the finest sieve used is 0.5 mm...The approximate weight of the matrix washed" was "1900 kg"
"The insectivores which occur associated with the rodents will not be dealt with in this paper"

Sample number: 2567

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2017-02-17 14:17:11

Modified: 2023-09-08 11:59:29

Abundance distribution
13 species
4 singletons
total count 242
extrapolated richness: 22.2
Fisher's α: 2.939
geometric series k: 0.7018
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7924
Shannon's H: 1.8226
Good's u: 0.9835
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.