Silver Creek
Basic information
Sample name: Silver Creek

Reference: W. E. Miller. 1976. Late Pleistocene vertebrates of the Silver Creek local fauna from north central Utah. Great Basin Naturalist 36(4):387-424 [ER 3111]
Country: United States

State: Utah

Coordinate: 40.73° N, -111.50° W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Geography comments: "immediately west of the junction of Utah Highway 40 and Interstate Highway 80... approximately five miles north of Park City"
shown as approximately in section 14, T1S, R4E
elevation 6400 feet
"Sangamon or Wisconsin in age" based on faunal correlation; a radiocarbon date was "in excess of 40,000 YBP" and therefore uninformative

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "All the fossils came from sands and gravels below the water table" and the sediments "were probably laid down at the fossil site as intermitten flood deposits in a marshy area"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other large mammals,other small mammals,birds,frogs

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 838 specimens

Sampling comments: "Small vertebrates were recovered by screen washing"

Sample number: 3398

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-08-29 22:18:29

Modified: 2019-08-29 12:18:29

Abundance distribution
29 species
7 singletons
total count 838
extrapolated richness: 47.6
Fisher's α: 5.829
geometric series k: 0.8276
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8537
Shannon's H: 2.2396
Good's u: 0.9917
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.