Cueva Tùnel
Basic information
Sample name: Cueva Tùnel

Sample aka: La María Quebrada

Reference: R. Paunero, C. V. Davis, D. Rindel, and A. Tessone. 2017. La fauna pleistocénica: evidencias zooarqueológicos en la Meseta Central de Santa Cruz, los sitios de La María. Magallania 45(2):181-198 [ER 3387]
Country: Argentina

State: Santa Cruz

Coordinate: 48° 24' S, 68° 52' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.01051

Min Ma: 0.0104

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: coordinate estimated based on photo in Fig. 1
there are uncalibrated 14C dates on bone of 10420 +/- 180 ybp and 10510 +/- 100 ybp (unit 8) and 10400 +/- 59 ybp and 10408 +/- 100 ybp (underlying unit 10)
the dates are interpreted as falling in the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, but the two-sigma ranges of the calibrated dates are all less than 10516 ybp, so the interval is entirely early Holocene

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: aeolian deposit,cave,human accumulation

Archaeology: hearths,stone tools

Habitat comments: a cave with two chambers
profile depth is 260 cm, with artifacts and fauna deriving from the top 120 cm
the reported fauna is from units 8, 9, and 10
all three units have an ochre silty-sandy lithology
there is dispersed carbon and undescribed lithic artifacts
accumulation is interpreted as being aeolian, spelic, and anthropogenic

Life forms: carnivores,ungulates,other large mammals,birds

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 312 specimens

Years: 2003 - 2010

Sampling comments: site area is 60.6 m2, of which 17.245 m2 has been excavated

Sample number: 3764

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2021-06-05 19:35:31

Modified: 2021-06-05 09:38:20

Abundance distribution
12 species
6 singletons
total count 312
extrapolated richness: 29.0
Fisher's α: 2.477
geometric series k: 0.6081
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.3983
Shannon's H: 0.9094
Good's u: 0.9808
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Lama guanicoe238101 kg
plus 20 indeterminate Lama specimens
Lama gracilis37
Hemiauchenia paradoxa16
Panthera onca mesembrina165 kg carnivore
Puma concolor1049 kg carnivore
Megatherium cf. americanum1
Arctotherium sp.1
Hippidion saldiasi2
Lycalopex griseus32.6 kg
plus 4 indeterminate Lycalopex specimens
Zaedyus pichiy11.1 kg
Chloephaga picta13.1 kg
Rhea pinnata1
plus 15 indeterminate Rhea specimens