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Basic information
Sample name: Taosi

Reference: K. Brunson, N. He, and X. Dai. 2016. Sheep, cattle, and specialization: New zooarchaeological perspectives on the Taosi Longshan. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26(3):460-475 [ER 3761]
Country: China

State: Shanxi

Coordinate: 35° 52' 56" N, 111° 29' 55" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Holocene

Max Ma: 0.00425

Min Ma: 0.00385

Age basis: radiocarbon (calibrated)

Geography comments: "Taosi was a large urban site located in the Linfen Basin in Xiangfen County, Shanxi, China".
"It is considered to be part of the late phase of the Longshan culture in southern Shanxi, also known as the Taosi phase, dating from 2300 BC to 1900 BC".

Lithology: not described

Taphonomic context: human accumulation,midden,settlement

Archaeology: buildings,burials,ceramics,stone tools,other artifacts,other structures

Habitat comments: "The site is divided into three phases. The understudied early phase (2300–2100 BC) consists of a cemetery in the southeastern quadrant of the city and a large palace in the northeastern quadrant that was surrounded by a rammed earth enclosure. During the middle occupation phase (2100–2000 BC), Taosi expanded and a rammed earth wall was built around the site's perimeter, enclosing an area of about 3 km2".
"The middle period site shows evidence for city planning around a central axis with spatially separated zones for elite residences, elite ritual activities, craft production, and lower class residences. The northeastern quadrant of the city continued to be occupied by elites, and an expanded palace was built on top of the early period palace. Large storage pits have also been found in the northeastern quadrant. The southeastern quadrant contained an enclosure built around a large cemetery and solar observatory structure".
"A craft production zone for stone tools was identified in the city's southwestern quadrant. Excavations of a rectangular house feature uncovered many stone flakes and showed that the house was connected to an activity area by a pathway".
"The late occupation phase at Taosi (2000–1900 BC) was a period of social unrest. Early and middle period elite burials were looted, sections of the city wall were leveled, the palace and observatory were destroyed, and numerous skeletons show evidence of violent death. The site was no longer carefully organized according to activity zones or social status".

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals,birds,fishes,clams

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 4715 specimens

Years: 2010, 2013

Sampling comments: "The Taosi faunal materials were excavated in 2010 and 2013 and date to all three occupation periods. A small number of remains from the early and middle periods are associated with upper class residential areas and the palace. However, most of the Taosi materials date to the late occupation phase. These late period materials were found in pits or wall fill that represent midden deposits associated with lower class residential areas. All materials were collected by hand without screening".

Sample number: 4020

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-10-18 14:02:07

Modified: 2022-10-18 03:21:33

Abundance distribution
17 species
4 singletons
total count 4715
extrapolated richness: 27.4
Fisher's α: 2.219
geometric series k: 0.6073
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5540
Shannon's H: 1.0592
Good's u: 0.9992
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Canis lupus familiaris84443 kg carnivore
Bos taurus4337 kg
also 262 Bos sp. and 268 Bovidae indet.
Ovis aries81141 kg
also 93 Caprinae indet.
Sus scrofa domesticus292254 kg herbivore
Capreolus sp.3
Cervus nippon53103 kg
also 63 Cervidae indet. and 64 Pecora indet.
Ursus sp.5
Vulpes sp.3
also 5 Canidae indet.
Felis sp.2
also 23 Carnivora indet.
Lepus sp.50
also 1 Lagomorpha indet.
Hystrix sp.1
Rhizomyinae indet.1
also 19 Rodentia indet.
Accipitridae indet.3
Phasianidae indet.8
Passeriformes indet.1
also 50 Aves indet.
Pisces indet.3
Unio douglasiae1
also 2 Bivalvia indet. and 8 Mollusca indet.
Current reference: Huckleberry et al. 2001 (ER 3215)