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Bundu Farm
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Basic information
Sample name: Bundu Farm

Reference: P. Kiberd. 2006. Bundu Farm: a report on archaeological and palaeoenvironmental assemblages from a pan site in Bushmanland, Northern Cape, South Africa. South African Archaeological Bulletin 61:189-201 [ER 3856]
Country: South Africa

State: Northern Cape

Coordinate: 24° 34' 5" S, 22° 12' 25" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Middle Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.364032

Min Ma: 0.1457

Age basis: ESR

Geography comments: "adjacent to the Bundu farm-house on the side of the Marydale-Fransenhof Road, 60 km south of Marydale and 70 km west of Prieska"
there are 12 ESR dates ranging from 145,700 +/- 16,000 to 364,032 +/- 30,339 BP

Lithology: siliciclastic (mixed)

Taphonomic context: lake deposit

Archaeology: hearths,stone tools

Habitat comments: "faunal remains appear to be restricted to areas A and B, within horizons G4-6"
Group 4 is "a 300 mm thick, heavily calcified horizon", 5 is "a friable pale red-brown sand-pebble layer beneath solid group 4 calcrete" plus a "calcified red-brown sand layer", and 6 is "a white-grey calcified clay horizon, containing medium to large cobble rubble pieces and occasional artefacts" intrepreted as "a former spring discharge site or zone of seepage"
there are 5166 lithic artefacts plus "burnt animal bone" within possible "hearths"
there is "hyaena damage" on some bones but "By drawing herbivores to it, the site was also attractive to scavengers and hunters... including humans" (so it is primarily not a carnivore or human accumulation)

Life forms: primates,ungulates

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 40 specimens

Years: 1998 - 2003

Sampling comments: there are hyaenid "punctate marks" on some bones and there are ostrich eggshells that have not been counted

Sample number: 4222

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2023-04-11 07:24:11

Modified: 2023-04-10 21:24:11

Abundance distribution
8 species
2 singletons
total count 40
extrapolated richness: 14.5
Fisher's α: 3.007
geometric series k: 0.6792
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7641
Shannon's H: 1.7023
Good's u: 0.9524
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Sainz-Borgo 2016 (ER 2762)