Panthera gombaszoegensis (extinct carnivore)

Abundance: 0.19 to 5.95% (median 0.85%)

Latitudinal range: 27.5° to 50.5°

Habitats: (7) only

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Found in 7 samples

France: Bois-de-Riquet (Locus 1)

Germany: Untermassfeld

Israel: Ubeidiya (Layer II-23)

Montenegro: Trlica (Bed 10)

Saudi Arabia: Ti’s al Ghadah

Spain: Punta Lucero Quarry, Barranc de la Boella (La Mina 2)

See also Panthera, Panthera atrox, Panthera leo, Panthera onca, Panthera pardus, Panthera sp., Panthera spelaea, Panthera tigris, Panthera uncia