Ceratotherium (ungulate)

Abundance: 0.31 to 20.90% (median 4.31%)

Latitudinal range: -33.6° to 41.6°

Habitats: (19), tropical/subtropical savanna (1)

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Found in 20 samples

Algeria: Ain Boucherit (Lower) (Early Pleistocene)

Bulgaria: Gorna Sushitsa (Late Miocene)

Eritrea: Uadi Aalad (Early Pleistocene), Dandiero (Early Pleistocene)

Greece: Chomateri (Late Miocene)

Kenya: Karungu (Late Pleistocene), Kibogo (Late Pleistocene), Kantis Fossil Site (Late Pliocene), Kanapoi (Early Pliocene)

Morocco: Grotte des Rhinocéros (lower set) (Middle Pleistocene), Grotte des Rhinocéros (upper set) (Middle Pleistocene), Thomas Quarry Hominid Cave (Middle Pleistocene), Tizi N'Tadderht (Late Miocene)

Namibia: Waterberg Plateau Park

South Africa: Duinefontein 2 Horizon 2 (Middle Pleistocene)

Turkey: Akkasdagi (Late Miocene), Kemiklitepe (KTA) (Late Miocene), Kemiklitepe (KTB) (Late Miocene), Kemiklitepe (KTD) (Late Miocene), Esendere (Late Miocene)

See also Ceratotherium mauritanicum, Ceratotherium neumayri, Ceratotherium praecox, Ceratotherium simum, Ceratotherium sp.