SELECT * FROM sessions,people WHERE ip=20315109220 AND enterer=person_noSELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=3579 GROUP BY t.sample_noSELECT * FROM samples WHERE sample_no=3579SELECT person_no,first_name,last_name FROM peopleSELECT * FROM refs WHERE ref_no=3249SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='samples';SELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3579 ORDER BY register_no ASCSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Myodes' AND (junior_species='rutilus' OR junior_species='rutilus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Myodes' AND (species='rutilus' OR species='rutilus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Myodes' AND (junior_species='rutilus' OR junior_species='rutilus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Myodes' AND (species='rutilus' OR species='rutilus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Dicrostonyx' AND (junior_species='torquatus' OR junior_species='torquatus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Dicrostonyx' AND (species='torquatus' OR species='torquatus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Dicrostonyx' AND (junior_species='torquatus' OR junior_species='torquatus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Dicrostonyx' AND (species='torquatus' OR species='torquatus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Lemmus' AND (junior_species='sibiricus' OR junior_species='sibiricus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Lemmus' AND (species='sibiricus' OR species='sibiricus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Lemmus' AND (junior_species='sibiricus' OR junior_species='sibiricus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Lemmus' AND (species='sibiricus' OR species='sibiricus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3579 The Ecological Register: Karrak Lake
Karrak Lake
Basic information
Sample name: Karrak Lake

Sample aka: Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary

Reference: G. Samelius and R. T. Alisauskas. 2009. Habitat alteration by geese at a large arctic goose colony: consequences for lemmings and voles. Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:95-101 [ER 3249]
Country: Canada

State: Nunavut

Coordinate: 67° 14' N, 100° 15' W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "at Karrak Lake... and surrounding areas in the Queen Maud Gulf Bird Sanctuary"

Habitat: tundra

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "gently rolling tundra"

Life forms: rodents

Sites: 4

Sampling methods: line transect,baited,snap traps

Sample size: 41 individuals

Years: 2000 - 2004

Days: 10

Seasons: summer

Nets or traps: 300

Net or trap nights: 3000

Sampling comments: sampling was "from July 2000 to July 2004... in two 1 km x 1 km study areas in the goose colony at Karrak Lake and in two 1 km x 1 km study areas outside the colony" and sampling was only in "early to mid-July" each year
there were "three traplines" in each area and "Each trapline consisted of 25 trap-stations, spaced 10 m apart, and with one snap-trap within 1 m of each trap station... Traplines were set for two consecutive nights" and "baited with a mixture of peanut butter and rolled oats"; there was a total of "2744.5 trap-nights" because the authors "subtracted 0.5 trap-nights for each trap that was snapped without capture", so the actual total seems to have been 10 x 300 = 3000 trap-nights

Sample number: 3579

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-12-25 12:56:16

Modified: 2019-12-25 01:56:16

Abundance distribution
3 species
0 singletons
total count 41
extrapolated richness: 3.5
Fisher's α: 0.745
geometric series k: 0.3612
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5348
Shannon's H: 0.8835
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.