SELECT * FROM sessions,people WHERE ip=20315109220 AND enterer=person_noSELECT p.first_name AS contributor_first,p.last_name AS contributor_last,p2.first_name AS enterer_first,p2.last_name AS enterer_last,t.* FROM people p,people p2,samples t WHERE t.contributor_no=p.person_no AND t.enterer_no=p2.person_no AND t.sample_no=3963 GROUP BY t.sample_noSELECT * FROM samples WHERE sample_no=3963SELECT person_no,first_name,last_name FROM peopleSELECT * FROM refs WHERE ref_no=3733SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name='samples';SELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3963 ORDER BY register_no ASCSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Struthio' AND (junior_species='anderssoni' OR junior_species='anderssonii')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Struthio' AND (species='anderssoni' OR species='anderssonii') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Struthio' AND (species='anderssoni' OR species='anderssonii')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Struthio' AND (junior_species='anderssoni' OR junior_species='anderssonii')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Struthio' AND (species='anderssoni' OR species='anderssonii') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Procapra' AND (junior_species='przewalskii' OR junior_species='przewalski')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Procapra' AND (species='przewalskii' OR species='przewalski') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Procapra' AND (species='przewalskii' OR species='przewalski')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Procapra' AND (junior_species='przewalskii' OR junior_species='przewalski')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Procapra' AND (species='przewalskii' OR species='przewalski') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Cervus' AND (junior_species='elaphus' OR junior_species='elaphus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Cervus' AND (species='elaphus' OR species='elaphus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Cervus' AND (junior_species='elaphus' OR junior_species='elaphus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Cervus' AND (species='elaphus' OR species='elaphus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='ferus' OR junior_species='ferus')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Equus' AND (species='ferus' OR species='ferus') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Equus' AND (junior_species='ferus' OR junior_species='ferus')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Equus' AND (species='ferus' OR species='ferus') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Coelodonta' AND (junior_species='antiquitatis' OR junior_species='antiquitatis')SELECT s.*,r.* FROM sizes s,refs r WHERE s.ref_no=r.ref_no AND measurement='body mass' AND genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis') ORDER BY measurement,sex,last_names,yearSELECT *,0 AS individuals FROM crc WHERE genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis')SELECT senior_genus genus,senior_species species FROM itis WHERE junior_genus='Coelodonta' AND (junior_species='antiquitatis' OR junior_species='antiquitatis')SELECT,d.diet_2,r.ref_no,r.last_names,r.year FROM diets d,refs r WHERE d.ref_no=r.ref_no AND genus='Coelodonta' AND (species='antiquitatis' OR species='antiquitatis') ORDER BY year,last_namesSELECT * FROM register WHERE sample_no=3963 The Ecological Register: Yujiagou (Layer 4)
Yujiagou (Layer 4)
Basic information
Sample name: Yujiagou (Layer 4)

Reference: X. Wang, F. Xie, H. Mei, and X. Gao. 2019. Intensive exploitation of animal resources during deglacial times in North China: a case study from the Yujiagou site. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11:4983-5000 [ER 3733]
Country: China

State: Hebei

Coordinate: 40° 9' 49" N, 114° 28' 47" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Section: 3733

Unit number: 2

Unit order: above to below

Max Ma: 0.01318

Min Ma: 0.01285

Age basis: radiocarbon (uncalibrated)

Geography comments: "The Yujiagou site is located in a small valley about 500 m northeast of Hutouliang Ridge, within the Nihewan Basin, an intermontane depression surrounded by the Xiong'er Mountains in the north and an extension of the Heng Mountains in the south, covering an area of roughly 1849 km2".
"Eight bone samples from layers 2–5 were radiocarbon dated. These dates could be divided into two ranges: layers 2 and 3a date from c. 10,373 to 8406 cal. BP, and layers 3b, 4 and 5 date from ca. 16,023 to 13,855 cal. BP.

Lithology: siltstone

Taphonomic context: human accumulation

Archaeology: bone tools,ceramics,stone tools,other artifacts

Habitat comments: "Fieldwork conducted at Yujiagou revealed a stratigraphic section with a total depth of approximately 8 m, comprising seven archaeological layers numbered 1 to 7 from top to bottom".
"The sequence consists mainly of loess silt in layers 1–4; Layer 4 comprises a dense brown-gray loess silt with rust-like sediments".
"Numerous lithic artifacts, bone and antler tools, ceramics, and ornaments were recovered during the excavations. The lithic assemblage is indicative of a micro-blade industry characterized by the presence of wedged-shaped micro-blade cores".
"Humans were the primary agents of the accumulation and modification of the bone assemblages; non-human biotic agents had a low impact on the formational history of the faunal assemblages from Yujiagou".

Life forms: ungulates,birds

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 81 specimens

Years: 1995 - 1997

Sampling comments: "From 1995 to 1997, the Hebei Province Cultural Relics Bureau and Peking University conducted systematic excavations over a 120 m2 area. The investigators employed a meter-square grid and dug in 5 cm spits to maintain provenience control. Sediments were dry- and wet-screened to retrieve microfauna and smaller artifacts".

Sample number: 3963

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-08-10 15:05:33

Modified: 2023-05-30 01:07:23

Abundance distribution
5 species
1 singleton
total count 81
extrapolated richness: 7.3
Fisher's α: 1.178
geometric series k: 0.3976
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5977
Shannon's H: 1.0851
Good's u: 0.9877
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.