Red Basin (UOloc 2495)
Basic information
Sample name: Red Basin (UOloc 2495)

Reference: J. A. Shotwell. 1968. Miocene mammals of southeast Oregon. Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon 14:1-67 [ER 3992]
Country: United States

State: Oregon

Coordinate: 43° 37' N, 117° 47' W
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Formation: Butte Creek Volcanic Sandstone

Time interval: Middle Miocene

Geography comments: just above a "dry wash in the northern half of Red Basin"
coordinate based on the map in Fig. 8
Evernden et al. (1964) provide a K-Ar date on sanidine of 15.1 Ma for this unit
the fauna is clearly early Barstovian and therefore Langhian, within the Middle Miocene

Lithology: sandstone

Habitat comments: the "unweathered sediment" was "well consolidated"
assumed to be sandstone based on the stratigraphic unit

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,ungulates,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 256 specimens

Years: 1961

Sampling comments: the site was excavated and sediment was screened

Sample number: 4408

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2024-10-22 11:53:04

Modified: 2024-10-22 11:53:04

Abundance distribution
28 species
10 singletons
total count 256
extrapolated richness: 54.6
Fisher's α: 8.011
geometric series k: 0.8540
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8668
Shannon's H: 2.4868
Good's u: 0.9610
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Lanthanotherium sp.1
Mystipterus cf. pacificus1
"Mystipterus pacificus": see Hutchison 1968
Scalopoides cf. ripafodiator71
"Scalopoides ripofodiator": see Hutchison 1968
Scapanoscapter simplicidens15
Hutchison 1968
Scalopini sp. A4
Achlyoscapter longirostris1
Hutchison 1968
Paradomnina relictus10
Hutchinson 1966: type
Pseudotrimylus sp.2
"Heterosorex sp.": see Hutchinson 1966
Alluvisorex arcadentes1
Hutchinson 1966
Limnoecus sp.1
Hutchinson 1966
Protospermophilus malheurensis15
Spermophilus tephrus38
Sciuridae indet.1
"Eutamias sp.": probably Neotamias
Petauristodon sp.5
"Sciuropterus sp."
Eucastor typicus7
"Monosaulax typicus": type
Pseudotheridomys pagei1
see Shotwell 1967b
Balantiomys oregonensis15
"Peridiomys oregonensis": minimum count, other molars may exist; see Shotwell 1967b
Tephrocyon rurestris10
"Tomarctus rurestris": at least five specimens; also includes at least five specimens of "T. kelloggi", see Wang et al. 1999
Amphicyon cf. frendens2
Mustelidae indet.1
"Brachypsalis sp."
Pseudaelurus sp.3
Hypohippus cf. osborni3
Acritohippus isonesus34
"Merychippus seversus": this is following the diagnosis of Downs 1956, which applies to A. isonesus according to Hulbert and MacFadden 1991; i.d. seems OK based on large size of specimen, general agreement with type as illustrated by Osborn 1918; JA pers. obs. 5.6.94; count is based on 30 upper teeth and four illustrated jaws only, lowers are not enumerated
Merychippus cf. brevidontus1
Aphelops sp.2
said to be both from UO 2493 and from UOloc 2495, but the former is almost certainly a typo
Ticholeptus zygomaticus1
"T. cf. obliquidens"
Dromomeryx borealis6
count is a minimum and represents illustrated or specifically discussed and numbered specimens
Bouromeryx cf. americanus4
"Rakomeryx cf. americanus": count is of measured specimens only