Darton's Bluff
Basic information
Sample name: Darton's Bluff

Reference: M. C. McKenna and J. D. Love. 1972. High-level strata containing early Miocene mammals on the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming. American Museum Novitates 2490:1-31 [ER 3993]
Country: United States

State: Wyoming

Coordinate: 44.12° N, -107.12° W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Time interval: Early Miocene

Ma: 21.9

Age basis: AEO

Geography comments: "near the head of Canyon Creek" in "SW. 1/4, NE. 1/4, sect. 19, T. 48 N., R. 85 W."
"early Miocene (early Arikareean)"
21.5 Ma or Early Miocene according to Alroy (2009)
all fossils are in the section's unit 8

Lithology: sandstone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "Sandstone, light buff to tan in lower part, becoming light gray in upper; almost completely massive, homogeneous, soft, porous, fine-grained"
presumed fluvial because the section alternates between sandstones and conglomerates

Life forms: ungulates,rodents,other small mammals

Sample size: 10 specimens

Years: 1962 - 1970

Sampling comments: collection methods are not stated

Sample number: 4410

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2024-10-26 04:52:39

Modified: 2024-10-26 04:52:39

Abundance distribution
8 species
6 singletons
total count 10
extrapolated richness: 64.0
Fisher's α: 18.568
geometric series k: 0.9057
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8444
Shannon's H: 2.0253
Good's u: 0.4414
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Proscalops secundus1
Desmatolagus sp.1
Entoptychus sp.2
Ziamys sp.2
"Pleurolicus cf. leptophrys": see Korth 1996 (JVP); assigned to Schizodontomys sp. by McKenna 1980
Geomyidae indet.1
"entoptychine geomyid": see also Korth 1992a, Korth 1994c
Promylagaulinae indet.1
"Promylagaulus riggsi": reassigned to Promylagulus sp. by McKenna 1980 and could be Trilaccogaulus
Oreodontoides sp.1
questionably referred
Miotylopus gibbi1