Basic information
Sample name: Strumyani-2

Reference: D. Geraads, N. Spassov, L. Hristova, and G. N. Markov. 2011. Upper Miocene mammals from Strumyani, South-Western Bulgaria. Geodiversitas 33(3):451-484 [ER 4163]
Country: Bulgaria

Coordinate: 41° 37' 43" N, 23° 13' 2" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Formation: Strumyani Genetic Lithocomplex

Time interval: Late Miocene

Zone: MN12

Geography comments: Found in the Struma valley; Does not specify the formations and instead describes "genetic lithocomplexes". However the Strumayani Genetic Lithocomplex includes the Sandanski and Kalimantsi Formations.

"The Strumyani Genetic Lithocomplex includes what are often called the Sandanski and Kalimantsi Formations. It crops out in a wide belt on the left bank of the Struma River from the south of the city of Dupnitsa to Northern Greece."

"Many local formations were named in the past for the Middle Struma continental Neogene; the reasons for discarding them here, and for using “genetic lithocomplexes” for the alluvial terrigenous continental deposits of the Struma valley instead, are discussed in Tzankov et al. (2005: 25-29, 124) and in Spassov et al. (2006). This allows better taking into account climatic data, data on the genesis and age of the deposits, using the biochronologic data in the lithocomplex definitions, and tracing contemporaneous deposits over long distances."

States that the fossil taxa are similar to the fossil taxa found in the Aegean region from Greece such as Pikermi and Samos. Such sites are dated to be around MN 12, however the authors argued that the site is possibly an earlier age and so the usage of MN 12 to date the Turolian is subject to discussion.

"To assess its biochronological age, it can be compared to some similar faunas of the Aegean region (Table 7). All of them belong to the Middle Turolian, and the similarity of the faunal lists shows that the Strumyani fauna must also be assigned to this mammalian age."

Lithology: claystone

Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit

Habitat comments: "where the fossil locality Str-2 was found in a greyish sandy clay layer (Fig. 2B)"

Life forms: carnivores,rodents,other large mammals,ungulates

Sample size: 65 specimens

Years: 2002, 2003, 2007

Museum: National Museum of Natural History, Sofia

Sampling comments: Excavated by the authors in the years 2002, 2003, and 2007 but does not give type of methods.

Sample number: 4622

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Harrison Wu

Created: 2024-12-21 22:19:49

Modified: 2024-12-21 22:19:49

Abundance distribution
20 species
5 singletons
total count 65
geometric series index: 39.7
Fisher's α: 9.871
geometric series k: 0.8859
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.9161
Shannon's H: 2.7308
Good's u: 0.9250
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.