Baldwin County Hanson Camarillo Oak Grove County Park Horseshoe Bend Research Area Sandrock Cliff (spring) Sandrock Cliff (fall) Estação Ecológica de Águas Emendadas William Trelease Woods (gap, spring) Wateree Cachil Valley Lucky Peak (willow riparian) La Paz Hopland Research and Extension Center Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge (spring) Creamer’s Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge (fall) Rancho Santa Elena Maule Region Laguna Anantay Valley Dawes County (in-channel) Wedge Plantation Uberabinha River Estación de Investigaciones Ecológicas Mediterráneas Pontal do Paranapanema Tantramar Marshes Charlotte County The Wilds Federal University of Acre Estuário do rio Mamanguape Vermelho River (interior) Podocarpus National Park Drivers Flat (birds) The Ecological Register
Colaptes (bird): 31 samples
Standardised estimates are produced by subsampling and then extrapolating.
Raw richness may be higher when an abundance distribution is uneven.