Reserva Bosque Integral Otonga (T-LL1, pitfall traps)
Basic information
Sample name: Reserva Bosque Integral Otonga (T-LL1, pitfall traps)

Reference: D. A. Donoso and G. Ramón. 2009. Composition of a high diversity leaf litter ant community (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from an Ecuadorian pre-montane rainforest. International Journal of Entomology 45(4):487-499 [ER 494]
Country: Ecuador

State: Pichincha

Coordinate: 0° 18' 49" S, 78° 57' 15" W
Geography comments: "in the lowest-most area" of the reserve

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: secondary forest

Substrate: leaf litter

Disturbance: selective logging

WMT: 24.0

CMT: 18.0

MAP: 1500.0

Habitat comments: "secondary wet pre-montane forest… that was modified until 1990 by selective timber harvesting"
precip 1000 to 2000 mm

Life forms: ants

Site length: 200

Sampling methods: line transect,pitfall traps

Sample size: 609 individuals

Years: 2003

Days: 2

Nets or traps: 20

Net or trap nights: 40

Sampling comments: "20 sampling points separated by 10-m for a total extent of 200-m" with one pitfall trap per sampling point left out for 48 hours

Sample number: 859

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2014-04-20 20:11:29

Modified: 2015-10-04 01:25:30

Abundance distribution
39 species
11 singletons
total count 609
extrapolated richness: 72.0
Fisher's α: 9.290
geometric series k: 0.8704
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8279
Shannon's H: 2.3486
Good's u: 0.9820
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.