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Lecythis (tree)

Abundance: 0.02 to 8.50% (median 0.82%)

Latitudinal range: -19.4° to 9.2°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (3), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (12)

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Found in 15 samples

Brazil: Fazenda Dois de Julho, O Deserto (terra firme), Maracá Island, Pico da Neblina National Park, Rio Doce, Ilhéus (O1), Ilhéus (O2), Linha 605 (hectare I), Peixe-Boi

French Guiana: Réserve Naturelle Volontaire Trésor

Guyana: Moraballi Creek Sample Plot I, Moraballi Creek Sample Plot III, Moraballi Creek Sample Plot IV, Mora

Panama: Agua Salud

See also Lecythis ampla, Lecythis aurantiaca, Lecythis barnebyi, Lecythis confertiflora, Lecythis corrugata, Lecythis davisii, Lecythis holcogyne, Lecythis idatimon, Lecythis lurida, Lecythis persistens, Lecythis pisonis, Lecythis poiteaui, Lecythis praeclara, Lecythis retusa, Lecythis sp., Lecythis usitata, Lecythis zabucajo

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