Virola (tree)

Abundance: 0.05 to 19.33% (median 1.27%)

Latitudinal range: -25.3° to 16.5°

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (11), tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest (40), tropical/subtropical savanna (1)

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Found in 52 samples

Belize: Bladen Nature Reserve (valley floor, transect 3)

Bolivia: Beni, Buena Vista (BV), Santa Fe (SF)

Brazil: Fazenda Boa Fé, Igapó, Mucambú, Alto Solimões, Swampy Gallery Forest (Plot 1), Swampy Gallery Forest (Plot 2), Swampy Gallery Forest (Plot 3), Fazenda Dois de Julho, O Deserto (terra firme), Pico da Neblina National Park, Mata da Onça, John Kennedy Forest, Fazenda Sao Sebastiao, Rio Doce, Fazenda Amoreiras, Rio das Pacas, Rio Cachoeira Natural Reserve (>100 years), Parque Natural Municipal do Curió, Núcleo Picinguaba (2 m), ARIE Laerth Paiva Gama, Lajeado State Park, Vera Cruz Farm, Parque Estadual de Caldas Novas, Linha 605 (hectare I), Linha 605 (hectare II), Linha MA-9 (hectare III), Linha MA-9 (hectare IV), Linha MC-2 (hectare V), Linha MC-2 (hectare VI), Peixe-Boi

Colombia: La María (Parcela No 1), La María (Parcela No 2)

Costa Rica: La Guaria and Sarapiquí annexes (inner quadrat sets)

French Guiana: Réserve Naturelle Volontaire Trésor

Guyana: Moraballi Creek Sample Plot I, Moraballi Creek Sample Plot II

Panama: Cerro Pelado-Gamboa, Agua Salud, Gatun Lake Islands, Barro Colorado Island

Peru: Santa Teresa, San Alejandro (primary forest), Braga-Supay (high restinga), Jenaro Herrera, Tambopata River (without bamboo), Tambopata River (bamboo-dominated)

Trinidad and Tobago: Mayaro, Crappo-Guatecare

See also Virola albidiflora, Virola bicuhyba, Virola calophylla, Virola calophylloidea, Virola duckei, Virola elongata, Virola flexuosa, Virola gardneri, Virola koschnyi, Virola kwatae, Virola melinonii, Virola michelii, Virola michelli, Virola multicostata, Virola multiflora, Virola multinervia, Virola officinalis, Virola pavonis, Virola peruviana, Virola sebifera, Virola sp. 1, Virola sp. 2, Virola sp. 3, Virola sp. \"Ucuuba branca\", Virola sp. nov., Virola surinamensis, Virola theiodora