Kelangurr Cave
Basic information
Sample name: Kelangurr Cave

Reference: T. F. Flannery. 1999. The Pleistocene mammal fauna of Kelangurr Cave,\ncentral montane Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 57:341-350 [ER 3689]
Country: Indonesia

State: Papua

Coordinate: 4° 0' 0" S, 138° 8' 55" E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Time interval: Late Pleistocene

Max Ma: 0.025

Min Ma: 0.02

Age basis: OSL

Geography comments: "Kelangurr Cave lies about 10 km west of the settlement of Kwiyawagi, Irian Jaya (now Papua), in a side valley leading to the West Baliem River". Elevation is 2950 m.
"It consists of a passage about 350 m long averaging 3 m high, which slopes gently downward from a cliffed entrance".
"OSL and uranium series dates indicate that the deposit accumulated between 25 000 and 20 000 BP".

Lithology: limestone

Taphonomic context: bird accumulation,cave

Habitat comments: "With the exception of the remains of two very large and two very small taxa, all other mammalian remains appear to have been accumulated by Pleistocene Sooty Owls (Tyto tenebricosa)".
"Two taxa (Miniopterus cf. macrocneme and Anisomys imitator) are likely to be recent remains that have been mixed with the Pleistocene lag deposit". As such, these have been excluded from the register.
"Similarly, remains of two megafaunal species (Protemnodon hopei and Maokopia ronaldi) could have not possibly been preyed on by owls. These are most likely not contemporaneous with the other remains. They are probably much older, having been washed into the deposit from a proximal region of the cave in an already fossilized state". Therefore, these have also been excluded.

Life forms: rodents,other large mammals,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry,screenwash

Sample size: 1458 specimens

Years: 1990, 1994

Sampling comments: "In 1994, about 4 kg of primary matrix and 14 kg of lag deposit (consisting principally of mud and fossil bones) were removed from the walls and floor of Chamber 1 of the cave and taken to Kwiyawagi, where the lag material was washed and sieved through flywire (mesh approximately 1 mm)".
"The bones and rock fragments were then dried, packed and transported to the Australian Museum".
Flannery (1999) report the faunal remains as MNI from this 1994 excavation. The counts below are of the number of identified specimens (NISP) from both this and the earlier 1990 excavation housed at the Australian Museum. These counts were recorded during a visit to the museum on 24-25 January 2022.

Sample number: 3866

Contributor: Benjamin Carter

Enterer: Benjamin Carter

Created: 2022-01-27 13:47:35

Modified: 2023-09-11 10:48:08

Abundance distribution
14 species
2 singletons
total count 1458
geometric series index: 18.5
Fisher's α: 2.146
geometric series k: 0.5925
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.5804
Shannon's H: 1.3322
Good's u: 0.9986
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Neophascogale lorentzii1
also 1 Dasyuridae indet.
Microperoryctes longicauda48
Peroryctes sp.45
also 27 "Peroryctidae" indet.
Thylogale christenseni2
also 2 Thylogale sp.
Cercartetus caudatus97
Pseudochirulus mayeri901
Phalanger sericeus6
Coccymys ruemmleri41
also 7 Coccymys sp.
Baiyankamys habbema1
"Hydromys habbema"
Mallomys gunung32
also 5 Mallomys sp.
Rattus richardsoni250
"Stenomys richardsoni"
Rattus omichlodes22
"Stenomys omlichodes"; also 47 Rattus sp. "Stenomys sp."
Brassomys albidens2
Paramelomys sp.10
also 11 Muridae indet. and 30 Rodentia indet.