Basic information
Sample name: QV
Sample aka: L6261; Makoshika State Park
Reference: J. P. Hunter, J. H. Hartman, and D. W. Krause. 1997. Mammals and mollusks across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary from Makoshika State Park and vicinity (Williston Basin), Montana. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 32(1):61-114 [ER 4119]
Country: United States
State: Montana
County: Dawson
Coordinate: 47.09° N, -104.66° W
Basis of coordinate: stated in text
Formation: Hell Creek
Time interval: Maastrichtian
Zone: Lancian
Max Ma: 68.178
Min Ma: 66.38
Age basis: paleomag
Geography comments: "in sec. 5, T. 15 N., R. 56 E., in Makoshika State Park"
"stratigraphically nearly equivalent to the Muddy Tork Locality" and in Chron 30n based on local paleomagnetic data (age assignment based on Ogg 2020)
"stratigraphically nearly equivalent to the Muddy Tork Locality" and in Chron 30n based on local paleomagnetic data (age assignment based on Ogg 2020)
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: "near the base of a thick channel sandstone complex"
Life forms: other small mammals
Years: 1993
Museum: Museum of the Rockies
Sampling comments: "discovered in 1993" by a "SUNY crew" led by Hunter
there is "one snail steinkern"
there is "one snail steinkern"
Sample: 4551
Modified: 2024-12-04 08:43:06
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†Meniscoessus robustus | 1 | |
Pediomyidae indet. | 1 | |
"Pediomys elegans or P. cooki" (now in separate genera) |