Basic information
Sample name: QV
Sample aka: L6261; Makoshika State Park
Reference: J. P. Hunter, J. H. Hartman, and D. W. Krause. 1997. Mammals and mollusks across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary from Makoshika State Park and vicinity (Williston Basin), Montana. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 32(1):61-114 [ER 4119]
Country: United States
State: Montana

County: Dawson

Coordinate: 47.09° N, -104.66° W
Basis of coordinate: stated in text
Formation: Hell Creek
Time interval: Maastrichtian
Zone: Lancian
Max Ma: 68.178
Min Ma: 66.38
Age basis: paleomag
Geography comments: "in sec. 5, T. 15 N., R. 56 E., in Makoshika State Park"
"stratigraphically nearly equivalent to the Muddy Tork Locality" and in Chron 30n based on local paleomagnetic data (age assignment based on Ogg 2020)
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: "near the base of a thick channel sandstone complex"
Life forms: other small mammals
Years: 1993
Museum: Museum of the Rockies
Sampling comments: "discovered in 1993" by a "SUNY crew" led by Hunter
there is "one snail steinkern"
Sample: 4551
Modified: 2024-12-04 08:43:06
Sample statistics cannot be computed.
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Meniscoessus robustus1
Pediomyidae indet.1
"Pediomys elegans or P. cooki" (now in separate genera)