Deer Crash
Basic information
Sample name: Deer Crash
Sample aka: L6426; Makoshika State Park
Reference: J. P. Hunter, J. H. Hartman, and D. W. Krause. 1997. Mammals and mollusks across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary from Makoshika State Park and vicinity (Williston Basin), Montana. Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming 32(1):61-114 [ER 4119]
Country: United States
State: Montana
County: Dawson
Coordinate: 47.06° N, -104.81° W
Basis of coordinate: stated in text
Formation: Fort Union
Time interval: Early Palaeocene
Zone: Puercan
Max Ma: 66
Min Ma: 65.7
Age basis: paleomag
Geography comments: "in sec. 18., T. 15 N., R. 55 E., in Makoshika State Park"
from the lower Ludlow Member of the Fort Union Formation and "stratigraphically equivalent to the horizons of Hiatt and Hiatt South localities"
"near the end of the time represented by Chron 29r" based on local paleomagnetic data and "middle Puercan (Pu2?)" (maximum age based on the ICS 2023 date for the K-Pg boundary minimum age based on Ogg 2020)
from the lower Ludlow Member of the Fort Union Formation and "stratigraphically equivalent to the horizons of Hiatt and Hiatt South localities"
"near the end of the time represented by Chron 29r" based on local paleomagnetic data and "middle Puercan (Pu2?)" (maximum age based on the ICS 2023 date for the K-Pg boundary minimum age based on Ogg 2020)
Lithology: sandstone
Taphonomic context: fluvial deposit
Habitat comments: "at the base of a major channel sandstone"
Life forms: ungulates
Years: 1994
Museum: Museum of the Rockies
Sampling comments: "discovered in 1994"
"the only site in the park area that has produced specimens of freshwater clams (Unionidae)"
"the only site in the park area that has produced specimens of freshwater clams (Unionidae)"
Sample: 4555
Modified: 2024-12-04 09:48:48
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Baioconodon cf. nordicum = †Baioconodon cf. nordicus | 1 |