Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma (May)
Basic information
Sample name: Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma (May)

Reference: K. Ueda, J. Ashizawa, and Y. Fujimoto. 2018. Species composition and seasonal occurrence of odonates in Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma and the surrounding areas, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Izunuma-Uchinuma Wetland Researches 12:9-16 [ER 2959]
Country: Japan

Coordinate: 38° 43' N, 141° 7' E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "in Lake Izunuma-Uchinuma and the surrounding areas, northeastern Miyagi Prefecture"

Habitat: temperate wetland

Protection: other protected area

Substrate: ground surface

Life forms: odonates

Sampling methods: line transect,other nets

Sample size: 349 individuals

Years: 2014

Days: 1

Seasons: spring

Sampling comments: collections were made by crossing survey routes at 54 points, 26 on the lake banks, 2 in a river, and 26 at ponds
counts were mostly visual but some individuals were netted
each survey was apparently conducted on a single day

Sample number: 3159

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2019-01-02 16:54:53

Modified: 2019-01-02 05:54:53

Abundance distribution
15 species
7 singletons
total count 349
extrapolated richness: 34.0
Fisher's α: 3.188
geometric series k: 0.7130
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7546
Shannon's H: 1.6192
Good's u: 0.9800
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.