Harami 4
Basic information
Sample name: Harami 4

Reference: P. Joniak, P. Pelaez-Campomanes, S. Mayda, M. Bilgin, K. Halaclar, and L. W. van den Hoek Ostende. 2019. New faunas of small mammals from old Harami mine (early Miocene, Anatolia, Turkey). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 99:673-700 [ER 3900]
Country: Turkey

State: Central Anatolia

Coordinate: 38.45435° N, 31.82708° E
Coordinate basis: estimated from map

Formation: Harmanyazi Formation

Time interval: Early Miocene

Zone: MN2

Max Ma: 22.268

Min Ma: 21.992001

Age basis: other

Geography comments: Harami 4 is located in the Harami lignite mine in Ilgın, NW of Konya, Central Anatolia

Through faunal comparisons and integrated stratigraphy, Harami 4 has been equated with Harami 1, which was dated through palaeomagnetism to Chron 6Bn.2n (22.268–21.992 Ma)

Lithology: lignite

Taphonomic context: lake deposit

Habitat comments: Harami is part of the Ilgın Basin, an intra-montane basin consisting of "continental clastic sediments unconformably resting on a basement of Palaeozoic metamorphics and Mesozoic limestones"

Harami 4 is situated in the Harmanyazi Member (Graben) of the Ilgın Formation, an Early Miocene formation composed of "claystone, marl, limestone, and coal interbeds"

"The lignite seams in Ilgın region occurs at the base of the lacustrine sequence of the Harmanyazi Formation which mainly consists of whitish marls up to 180 m thick"

Harami 4 is located "within the lignites"

The presence of beavers and the diversity of insectivores indicate a "swamp forest with a lush undergrowth"

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sampling methods: quarry

Sample size: 217 specimens

Years: 2015

Sampling comments: Specimen counts are recovered from systematic palaeontology material

Roughly 500 kg of sediment was recovered from Harami 4

Specimens are primarily teeth

Sample number: 4289

Contributor: Jack Nesbitt

Enterer: Jack Nesbitt

Created: 2023-05-31 12:51:42

Modified: 2023-09-11 10:53:28

Abundance distribution
18 species
2 singletons
total count 217
extrapolated richness: 26.2
Fisher's α: 4.661
geometric series k: 0.7883
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8345
Shannon's H: 2.1649
Good's u: 0.9909
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.