Climacteris picumnus (bird)

Mass: 5.4 g

Diet: insectivore based on Tassicker et al. 2006, Briggs et al. 2007, Watson et al. 2011, and Debus et al. 2017

Abundance: 0.55 to 20.83% (median 4.74%)

Habitats: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest (4) only

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Found in 4 samples

Australia: Longneck Lagoon Nature Reserve (1965), Longneck Lagoon Nature Reserve (1970), Longneck Lagoon Nature Reserve (1971), Longneck Lagoon Nature Reserve (1972)

Size measurements:
34.9 mmN = 1
28.7 mmN = 1

See also Climacteris, Climacteris erythrops, Climacteris leucophaea, Climacteris placens