Vombatus ursinus (large mammal)

Mass: 29 kg based on Green 2016 and Peters and Rose 1979

Abundance: 0.01 to 67.47% (median 1.56%)

Latitudinal range: -43.1° to -28.3°

Habitats: (13), temperate broadleaf/mixed forest (3)

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Found in 16 samples

Australia: Kangaroo Valley (low cattle disturbance), Ben Boyd National Park and Nadgee Nature Reserve, Franklin, Grant Hall (Layer 1), Grant Hall (Layer 2), Grant Hall (Layer 3), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit B), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit C), Grant Hall Square G7 (Unit D), Wee Jasper 99, Cement Mills, Gore, Warreen Cave (Stratigraphic Unit 7), Titan’s Shelter (Site G2), Kutikina Cave (Unit 1), Kutikina Cave (Unit 2), Amphitheatre Cave

Size measurements:
♀ body mass32400 kgN = 13Green 2016
♀ body mass19400 kgN = 8Peters and Rose 1979
♂ body mass31600 kgN = 20Green 2016

See also Vombatus, Vombatus hacketti, Vombatus sp.