Full citation
N. C. Câceres. 2005. Comparative lengths of digestive tracts of seven didelphid marsupials (Mammalia) in relation to diet. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 22(1):181-185 [ER 1377]
Contributed by John Alroy, entered by John Alroy on 2015-11-05
Samples: none
Size measurements: Caluromys lanatus (body mass 300 g), Didelphis albiventris (body mass 1500 g), Didelphis aurita (body mass 1200 g), Lutreolina crassicaudata (body mass 600 g), Metachirus nudicaudatus (body mass 290 g), Monodelphis sorex (body mass 45 g), Philander frenatus (body mass 250 g)