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Toro (monospecific planted shade trees/anoa dung)
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Basic information
Sample name: Toro (monospecific planted shade trees/anoa dung)

Reference: S. Shahabuddin, P. Hidayat, S. Manuwoto, W. A. Noerdjito, T. Tscharntke, and C. H. Schulze. 2010. Diversity and body size of dung beetles attracted to different dung types along a tropical land-use gradient in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 26(1):53-65 [ER 362]
Country: Indonesia

State: Central Sulawesi

Coordinate: 1° 30' 24" S, 120° 2' 11" E
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: "at the western margin of Lore Lindu National Park" near "the village of Toro... in Kulawi Valley"
elevation 800 to 1100 m

Habitat: tropical/subtropical moist broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: plantation

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 23.6

MAP: 1978.0

Life forms: scarab beetles

Sites: 4

Site length: 320

Sampling methods: baited,pitfall traps

Sample size: 100 individuals

Years: 2005

Days: 42

Nets or traps: 20

Net or trap nights: 840

Sampling comments: five anoa-dung baited pitfall traps at each of four replicate sites, with two 40 m transects at each one, sampled from March to August "in the first week of the respective months" (apparently meaning for one full week a month, but possibly meaning one day a mont at each site)

Sample number: 1280

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-02-18 13:24:33

Modified: 2015-10-03 00:20:12

Abundance distribution
11 species
1 singleton
total count 100
extrapolated richness: 16.0
Fisher's α: 3.154
geometric series k: 0.7192
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.8085
Shannon's H: 1.9125
Good's u: 0.9906
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Herzog et al. 2003 (ER 1261)