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Buenos Aires Province
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Basic information
Sample name: Buenos Aires Province

Reference: L. Rosario, F. M. Soledad, and C. Regino. 2015. Wild small mammals in intensive milk cattle and swine production systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 202:251-259 [ER 1142]
Country: Argentina

State: Buenos Aires

Coordinate: 34° 34' S, 59° 6' W
Coordinate basis: based on nearby landmark

Geography comments: "in Marcos Paz, General Las Heras, Exaltación de la Cruz and San Andrés de Giles"
a very general coordinate is given; coordinate is based on Lujan, which is roughly at the midpoint of the four towns

Habitat: temperate broadleaf/mixed forest

Altered habitat: inhabited area

Protection: unprotected

Substrate: ground surface

MAT: 16.6

MAP: 951.0

Habitat comments: sampling was within "animal sheds... food storage sheds or silos... human buildings... vegetated areas around dwellings" and "drainage channels"
climate data are for the district of Lujân and are based on Bobadilla et al. (2016, Current Zoology)

Life forms: rodents,other small mammals

Sites: 18

Sampling methods: line transect,baited,cage traps,Sherman traps

Sample size: 505 individuals

Years: 2008 - 2011

Net or trap nights: 14359

Sampling comments: "Trapping surveys were conducted on 10 pig farms and eight dairy farms" and "mammals were captured using cage live traps (15 16 31 cm) baited with beef and carrot, and Sherman traps (8 9 23 cm) baited with a mixture of peanut butter, bovine fat and rolled oats. The two types of traps were set adjacent to each other every 10 m along trap lines of 50–100 m with 1–3 replicates per habitat depending on the farm structure... Traps were active for three consecutive nights and checked daily in the morning... Animals were sacrificed" and there was "a trapping effort of 7333 Sherman trap-nights and 7026 cage live trap-nights"

Sample number: 1666

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: John Alroy

Created: 2015-07-01 20:09:25

Modified: 2020-01-14 07:25:16

Abundance distribution
9 species
0 singletons
total count 505
extrapolated richness: 9.7
Fisher's α: 1.556
geometric series k: 0.6183
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.6443
Shannon's H: 1.4421
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Herzog et al. 2003 (ER 1261)