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Laboratório de Ecologia de Insetos (Farm Shed)
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Basic information
Sample name: Laboratório de Ecologia de Insetos (Farm Shed)

Reference: G. Q. Haddad, F. J. Cividanes, and I. C. Fernandes Martins. 2011. Species Diversity of Myrmecofauna and Araneofauna Associated with Agroecosystem and Forest Fragments and their Interaction with Carabidae and Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Florida Entomologist 94(3):500-509 [ER 125]
Country: Brazil

State: Sao Paulo

Coordinate: 20° 21' 10" S, 48° 14' 47" W
Coordinate basis: stated in text

Geography comments: near Guaira City

Habitat: tropical/subtropical dry broadleaf forest

Altered habitat: cropland

Substrate: ground surface

Habitat comments: "The experimental area consisted of a 48-ha fragment of semideciduous forest, and an 88.6-ha field that for the past 10 yr had been devoted to a no-till system of producing a summer crop of soybean Glycine max and a winter crop of corn Zea mays" (P. 502)

Life forms: spiders,ants

Site length: 200

Sampling methods: line transect,pitfall traps

Sample size: 17721 individuals

Years: 2005, 2006, 2007

Days: 308

Nets or traps: 48

Net or trap nights: 14784

Sampling comments: "Insects were sampled with pitfall traps, each consisting of a plastic cup, 8 cm diam and 14 cm high. Two parallel 200-m transects separated 10 m apart were installed in each experimental area. Each transect spanned the habitat interface with 100 m in the forest fragment and 100 m in the field devoted to the production of soybean and corn... 48 traps spaced 10 m apart were set in each area with 24 in the forest fragment and 24 in the cultured area... samples were taken... from 9 Apr 2005 to 26 Apr 2007, totalling 44 sampling dates. The traps remained installed in the field for 1 wk"

Sample number: 292

Contributor: John Alroy

Enterer: Albert Garcia Selles

Created: 2013-04-10 13:25:58

Modified: 2015-10-03 09:59:45

Abundance distribution
51 species
0 singletons
total count 17721
extrapolated richness: 54.0
Fisher's α: 6.439
geometric series k: 0.8532
Hurlbert's PIE: 0.7288
Shannon's H: 2.0448
Good's u: 1.0000
Each square represents a species. Square sizes are proportional to counts.
Current reference: Ribon et al. 2003 (ER 1246)